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Illustrations  of  the  basic  principles  of
        the camera and some details of specific parts
        were  filed  with  the  U.S.  Patent  Office.
        However  the  camera  itself  was  always  kept
        concealed from prying eyes-in case someone
        should try to copy it, that would mean another
        court battle for Edison.
        Edison's films were designed for viewing on
        his    "Peep   Show"     Kinetoscope
        and  Kinetophone  Machines  -  but  that's
        another story. Now let's come a little closer to
        The Lumiere Cinematographe
        The  first  Motion  Pictures  produced  in
        Australia   were   made   by   a   French
        Cameraman  named  Marius  Sestier  using  a
        Lumiere  Cinematographe  Camera.  His  films
        included  the  famous  1896  Melbourne  Cup
        coverage  that  still  survives  in  our  Archives
        The  Lumiere  Cinematographe  was  the  Above:    The  Edison  Kenetoscope  opened  for
        ideal Motion Picture apparatus for our pioneer  inspection.  The  film  was  viewed    through  the
        Filmmakers because it was a Camera, a Printer  aperture at the top.
        and  a  Projector  all  combined  in  the  one
        machine. It was highly portable, being smaller  Exhibitor all in one. His mastering of all these
        than many still cameras of that era.  skills  was  essential  when  working  halfway
                                            around the world and months away from any
        The  Lumiere  operator  had  to  be  a  of  the  information  and  support  services
        completely self-contained film-maker. He was  available in Europe.
        Cameraman,  Laboratory  Technician,  and
                                  Left:  The  Lumiére  Bros.  Below:  A  clip  from  the  Lumiére  film
                                  "Watering the Garden-er" ( 1895 ). Note the round sprocket holes.
                                  The Lumiere brothers pioneered projection on the 'Big' Screen.

        6     REEL DEALS  March   2022
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