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In  1953  MGM  had  issued  its  first  3D  with
        Arena, a rodeo story with Gig Young and Jean
        Hagen. Now Kiss Me Kate would be their best
        3D, and with a first-rate star cast.
        3D technique required two big heavy stereo-
        scopic cameras shooting two complementary
        left-right reels, which had to be viewed with
        polarized  glasses  to  achieve  the  in-depth  ef-
        fect. In addition, MGM filmed Kate in three
        different  screen  ratios  (1.66,  1.75  and  1.85
        widths)  simultaneously,  to  cover  the  various
        widescreen standards of the time, because not
        all theatres had room enough for the biggest  A promotional still for the film - promoting the 3D
        ones.                                effect.  Note the actors appear to have come out
                                             of the screen and are in the audience
        Charles Rosher, experienced chief cameraman
        (responsible for such wonderful light effects as  And that´s how we all lost the chance to see
        in  Mary  Pickford´s  Sparrows),  and  director  our dear Deanna not only in wonderful color,
        George  Sidney  worked  together  to  compose  but in what might have been the icing on the
        every  shot  three  different  ways  at  the  same  cake: tri-dimensional!
        time for each of these widths. They built addi-
        tional ceilings or floors and added some in a  Who knows, if she might have watched Kiss
        forced  perspective;  they  also  moved  fore-  Me Kate in 3D in one of her visits to the States.
        grounds and back-grounds away from the ac-  We can imagine her as Lilli in some sequenc-
        tors, to enhance perception of depth. To ensure  es,  as  Kathryn  Grayson´s  flaming  long  hair
        presentation  in  the  correct  ratio  and  avoid  when in costume resembled the style Deanna
        confusion in the projection booth, reel bands  used to wear when she worked for Universal.
        on each print had the minimum, maximum and
        preferred aspect ratio specified on them. MGM  Reproduced from the Deanna Durbin Society News-
        recommended the 1.75 ratio.         letter.
        Shooting  started  in  the  spring  of  1953.  Yet,  My thanks to the author Sonia Sarró for permission
        once  Kiss  Me  Kate  was  completed  and  re-  to reprint her article in Reel Deals.
        leased in late November and premièred at the
        Radio City Music Hall, the 3D rage had reced-  References ;
        ed, and many cinemas would only show one
        reel, as the usual 2D. BUT…if you have been  /09/10/kiss-me-kate-1953/
        fortunate enough to have watched this jewel,
        now issued on 3D Blu-ray… I assure you it´s  trivia/film/kiss-me-kate-1953/
        one of the best 3D pictures ever made, with  tom of the Opera 1925 made stereoscopic
        vibrant  colors,  classy  pop-ups,  wonderful
        lighting  and  set  design,  bold  camera  move-
                                            documentation Everything on 3D classic films and
        ments  back-and-forth  which  create  amazing  coming releases
        surrounding effects and a sense of being inside
        the film as part of the audience, good timing,  history/2756-1924-phantom-of-the-opera-online-
        sense of humor, breathtaking innovative dance  in-3d
        numbers, and thoroughly good performances Cole
        from all of the cast. A pure joy!   Porter in Hollywood: Too darn hot (making of Kiss
                                            me Kate)

        14     REEL DEALS  June   2022
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