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              THE SUN
                                                        AHEAD OF
             July 6, 1955                                ITS TIME!

                                                      This  interesting  article  from
                                                      1955  suggests  that  film  will
                                                      soon be finished as a medium
                                                      for  television  recording  and
                                                      that  video  tape  will  be  the
                                                      predominant medium.

                                                      In  1956,  The  Ampex  VRX-
                                                      1000 became the world's first
                                                      commercially   successful
                                                      videotape  recorder.  It  used  4
                                                      heads to record onto two-inch
                                                      tape. It came with a price tag
                                                      of US$50,000.
                                                      A  number  of  manufacturers
                                                      marketed reel to reel VTRs in
                                                      the early 1960s, but the need
                                                      to  thread  the  tape,  together
                              An early Ampex 2 inch VTR.  with  their  limited  features
                                                      limited their popularity.

                                                      Consumer    video  cassette
                                                      recorders, (VCRs)  were still a
                                                      few  years  off,    the  first  on
                                                      offer  was  the  Sony  U-matic
                              One of the first VCRs to be of-
                              fered on the Australian market  (3/4″ tape) system, released in
                              -  Sanyo VTC-9300       September  1971.  These  were
                                                      mostly  used  by  institutions
                                                      such  as  universities,  schools,
                                                      businesses, etc.

                                                      True  home  video  recorders
                                                      arrived  in  the  1970s,  with
                                                      Sony’s beta system, followed
                                                      by   VHS   (Video   Home
                              The JVC VHS recorder arrived  System) developed JVC.
                              about the same time as the
                              Sanyo.  Initially, the Beta format  Source: Wikipedia.
                              was the favoured format here.

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