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After screening each roll the film is rewound  On the screen the Governor arrives at Parlia-
        using the little rewinder supplied. For the light  ment House (preceded by the mongrel dog).
        source Fred is still using a limelight burner-  Again  the  Guard  salutes  and  the  wonderful
        "lt's the brightest light source available at the  moving  images  by  Fred  Wills  enable  us  to
        moment". Limelight was very popular in the  relive  that  delightful  moment  of  history  -a
        late 1800s, being used for slide projection in  hundred years on.
        magic lanterns and for theatre spotlights too-  The Lumiere                          in projection mode.
        hence the term "being in the limelight". They
        could  use  a  number  of  explosive  gases-coal
        gas,  acetylene  (carbide),  ether  or  hydrogen-
        mixed in each case with oxygen. Oxygen and
        hydrogen is interplanetary rocket fuel!
        And limelight is now to be used with nitrate
        film.  This  explosive  cocktail  caused  many
        theatres to go off with a bang! And of course
        the spectacular fires that followed ensured that
        limelight did not make it very far into the 20 th
        Century.  However,  nitrate  film  survived  for  The harvesting scenes taken at Allora are of
        over  50  years,  with  very  strict  fire  excellent photographic quality, the sharp clear
        regulations controlling its use.
                                            pictures leap from the screen and the action in
        Fred connects a long rubber hose between the  all the scenes suggest that Fred had the eye of
        burner  and  the  coal  gas  supply  in  the  room.  a first class filmmaker.
        The oxygen container is already attached. He
        opens the coal gas tap and lights the jet, then  The  fact  that  the  negatives  and  prints  have
        carefully  opens  the  oxygen  tap.  The  flame  lasted  over  100  years  speaks  very  highly  of
        impinges  on  the  little  block  of  lime  which  Fred's  excellent  processing  techniques-
        becomes incandescent with a spot of brilliant   definitely to archival standards. From the 30
        white  light.  This  spot  is  focused  through  a  rolls  of  film  shot  by  Fred  and  his  Assistant,
        double  optical  condenser  system  on  to  the  Henry  Mobsby,  only  two  negatives  and  one
                                            print   were   lost   through   camera   or
        picture aperture in the Lumiere.
                                            processing problems, a great achievement con-
                                            sidering that in 1899 this startling new tech-
        Right: A limelight                  nology  was  a  completely  new  ball-game.
        burner of the                       The quality of the Lumiere film, both base and
        'mixer' type used                   emulsion, was outstanding, especially consid-
        by Fred Wills                       ering the infancy of the industry.
        with the Cinema-
        tographe in pro-
                                            Fred Wills excellent work can be seen in the
                                            National  Film  and  Sound  Archives  (NFSA)
        The room is darkened and Fred starts turning
        the  handle  at  two  revolutions  per  second.  A  video  "Queensland's  First  Films",  produced
        flickering  picture  appears  on  the  screen,  and narrated by Chris Long.
        caused by the Cinematographe's single bladed
        shutter. Improved projector design would soon  Again I wish to acknowledge the huge amount of
        provide  a  faster  pull  down  and  multi-bladed  research carried out by Melbourne based Film His-
                                            torian Chris Long and Mr. Pat Laughren of Griffith
        shutters  would  soon  dramatically  reduce  University. Much of their work was used in prepar-
        the flicker to tolerable proportions. But "going  ing this series on the Lumiere Cinematographe and
        to the flickers" became "going to the flicks" a  Mr.  Frederick  Charles  Wills  -  the  World's  first
        phrase that was to remain in our vocabulary for  Government Cinematographer.
        the next 50 years.
        8     REEL DEALS  June   2022
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