Page 5 - 2022-06
P. 5

Noting my puzzled expression, Fred explains  Further along the bench another bare electric
        that  the  glass  is  used  to  focus  the  negative  globe hangs over a 10" x 8" printing frames.
        image from the enlarger - or in this case the  Ah!  The  simple  magic  of  contact  printing.
        reducer. As the Department normally used 10"  Under  the  bench  a  rack  holds  a  number  of
        x 8" or whole plate (8½" x 6½") negatives for  smaller printing frames. A small vertical parti-
        their "still" photography the images had to be  tion shields a plate loading area. Neat stacks of
        reduced  down  to  3¼"  square  to  make  -of  double dark plate holders of various sizes line
        course- lantern slides! (Fred and Henry made  the wall. Then a large rack of shelves loaded
        hundreds  of  lantern  slides  for  magic  lantern  with dozens of unopened boxes of glass plates,
        lectures, to be used all over the State, and they  lantern slides and printing paper, all with the
        were also sent to England to promote migra-  exotic  labels  of  the  late  19   century  -  a
        tion to Queensland.                 collector's dream.
        Fred  pulls  a  switch  cord  and  two  beautiful
        antique safelights recently converted from gas  The end of the 50 ft roll is pinned to a slat and
        lamps to electric light emit a bright ruby glow.  the drum is lifted across to the developing tank
        Fred is anxious to get started. He clears the wet  where  it  is  again  supported  by  two  short
        bench   and   places                vertical  arms  just  long  enough  to  allow  the
        a  shallow  developing              film to enter the developer without touching
        tank  about  a  metre  long         the bottom of the tank. Fred starts rotating the
        on to the duckboard. It's           drum through the developer.
        like  a  cylinder  cut  in
        half longways. Fred calls           Hang on! There's been no time or temperature
        it  a  "horse  trough"  -  a        check.  "Time  and  temperature  check?"  said
        good  description.  He              Fred. "What for?" He explained that all he has
        pours  the  developer  into         to do is to watch the image coming up on the
        the trough. The chemistry           film, "you can see it clearly in the safe light,
        is made up exactly to the           and  that's  the  way  we  develop  our
        Lumiere's formula. On the dry bench opposite  still negatives too". He twisted the film to view
        is  placed  a  "squirrel  cage"  drum  with  solid  the  image  through  the  base.  "When  you  can
        wood  ends  joined  lengthwise  by  a  series  of  see the image clearly through the back it's had
        wooden slats or laths. A wooden dowel forms  enough development." It was as simple as that.
        an  axle  that  protrudes  from  each  end  of  the
        drum  allowing  it  to  rotate  on  a  wooden  A  few  more  turns  of  the  drum  and  another
        supporting  frame.  The  white  light  clicks  check through the base, then he opens a tap in
        off, and in the ruby glow of the safe light Fred  the  bottom  and  the  developer  flows  out
        removes a small roll of film from its
        can - one of the rolls he exposed at
        Allora on the Darling Downs.
        He pins the film to one end of the
        drum with the emulsion facing out-
        wards.  He  starts  rotating  the  drum
        carefully  laying  the  film  tightly  on
        the slats in a spiral fashion along the
        length of the drum, making sure that
        each  successive  strand  does  not
        touch or overlap the previous one.

                                                      REEL DEALS  June 2022   5
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