Page 18 - RD_2022-09
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9.5mm - THE FILMS
                                                                Mike Trickett
        The 9.5mm film gauge provides a wide scope  Pathé’s 9.5mm Sound Films
        for film collectors, not only the equipment, but
        the  films  themselves  provide  a  range  of  Nine point five millimetre sound films are of
        interesting subjects and even a few ‘lost’ film  the same format as 35mm professional films,
        titles.                             the sound track being printed on the near (to
                                            the operator) side of the film when threaded,
        However, Pathé also were the source of much  unlike  16mm  which  has  the  sound  track  on
        frustration for collectors. Many of their films  the opposite side of the film.
        were  released  with  a  minimum  of  leader
        length,  titles  were  reduced  in  length,  scenes  Pathé didn’t appear to have any preference for
        cut out of the film to keep a running time to  using variable density or variable area sound
        what would fit onto a reel, all in the interests of  tracks.
        saving a few feet of film.
                                            In  both  cases,  Pathé
        There are a number of films that exist today,  appeared  to  have  a
        only  because  Pathé  released  them  on  their  problem   with   the
        9.5mm gauge (and in some cases 17.5mm), the  processing  of  the  sound
        original  35mm  negatives  and  prints  having  track. The image at right
        been lost or destroyed. Unfortunately, because  is  an  enlargement  of  a
        of Pathé’s tendency to abridge many of their  Pathé  sound  film,  and  is
        releases, the shortened version is all that exists.  typical. Note the greyness
                                            of  the  sound  track  in
        With  the  introduction             comparison  to  the  black
        of  the  Pathé  Baby                frame bars. The lightness
        projector  in  1922,  a             of the sound track results
        wide  range  of  films              in poor sound level, and a
        eventually   became                 higher  degree  of  noise.
        available.  These  were             (Poor  signal  to  noise
        mostly reduction prints             ratio).  In  the  case  of
        from  the  vast  Pathé              variable density tracks, it
        film  library.  In  some            can  also  cause  distorted
        cases, these little 30 ft           sound.  Note  also  the
        extracts  are  the  only            almost square image.
        remaining  copies,  the
        35mm originals having Above: Frames from a  On  some  films,  Pathé
        succumb  to  vinegar  9.5mm Pathecolor film.  used a poorly designed (or
        syndrome  or  otherwise             adjusted)  noise  reduction
        been destroyed.                     system  when  printing
                                            their  films.  When  there
        In Pathé's “silent years” of the 1920s and early  was  no  sound  or  a  very
        1930s,  they  released  a  very  large  range  of  quiet section in the film, a
        films. Predominantly European in origin, they  shutter   would   the
        ranged from documentaries to classic dramas  dark area would be moved
        and comedies. The main exception to this was  across to cover all or most
        the deal with Paramount to release Betty Boop  of   the   sound   track
        and  Popeye  cartoons.  They  even  released  a  areas,  resulting  in  less
        handful of shorts in Pathécolor.    back-ground  noise  in  the

        18     REEL DEALS  December   2022
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