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9.5 mm SOUND

                                                                  Mike Trickett

        In 1937, Pathe introduced a strange looking projector, which they called the Model “S” (“S” for
        Silent?). This machine was basically the yet to be released, VOX sound projector without any of
        the sound parts included. Within a year, Pathé was offering to upgrade the “S” to sound and was
        offering the complete unit as a Pathé VOX 9.5 mm sound on film projector.
        As with a lot of Pathé equipment,
        the VOX was unconventional. The
        machine had an off-set film path,
        necessary  to  allow  the  gate  and
        lens assembly to lift up to thread or
        clean the gate. The lighting source
        was a 15 volt 200 watt lamp with a
        strange  off-set  filament  (see
        illustration),  which  was  mounted
        base  up.  The  reason  for  this
        arrangement became evident when
        the  sound  system  was  examined.
        The  projection  lamp  was  also
        utilised  as  an  exciter  lamp,  the
        exciter lens being mounted directly
        under the lamp house, picking up
        light from the projection lamp and
        focusing it on the sound track.

        The sound system was yet another
        unusual setup. The light from the
        projection lamp was focused by the exciter lens as a  narrow slit onto the
        sound track . Once the light passed through the sound track, the resultant  Below: The VOX
                                                                 lamp. Note the
        varying light intensity was reflected by a small mirror up to the photocell  off-set filament.
        which protruded from the amplifier compartment.
                                               There  was  no  volume
                       Exciter lens            control   in   the
                                               conventional  sense  on
                                               the  machine,  instead
                                               there  was  a  rotary
                                               shutter  covering  the
                                               photo cell which could
                                               be  rotated  to  allow
                                               more  or  less  of  the
                                               reflected  sound  track
                                               light  to  get  to  the
                                               photocell.  (A  system
                                               that Pathé   again used
                                               on their 17.5 mm Home
         Rotary shutter (volume control)
                                                 REEL DEALS  December 2022   15
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