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            PATHES~OP~ .>.  MONTH~Y
                                      Issue~  by
                                           I   .
                      PATHESCOPE                 LIMITED


           Once  again  the  winter  season  is   In  recent  issues  of  this  magazine
         descending  upon  us,  Father Time  has   "Your Laboratory  Manager"  has  sub-
         been  refunded  his  hour  and  with  the   scribed  several  articles  which  should
         ever shortening  days  and  the  length-  .prove  of  interest  to  all  cinemato-
         ening  'dark  and  dreary  evenings,  out-  graphers.  It  is  with  the  object  of
         door  activities  are  curtailed  and   extending  the  scope  of these  inform-
         restricted.   The  failing  light  no   ative  articles  that  your  co-operation
         longer permits that after tea game of   SUGGESTIONS  is  sought.   Readers
         tennis  or  the  cricket  match  on  the   )      are  invited  to  sub-
         local  green.  This  is  but  only  one  of   ltEASE   mit  subjects  upon
         many of the wills  and ways  of Mother   which  the  Laboratory  Manager  may
         Nature  and  therefore  thoughts  are   offer  his  advice  and  criticism.
         turning  in  search  of  new  fields  of
         pleasure  and  entertainment;  search-  Whilst  it  is  not  possible  to  state
         ing  for  something  that  will  pass  a   definitely  that  all  suggestions  for
         lonely  hour  or  two  and  bring  a  smile,   articles will  be  acted  upon,  every  en-
         or  perhaps  a  tear,  something  to  be   deavour  will  be  made  to  accommo-
         enjoyed  in  the  comfort  of  one's  own   date the various  ideas proposed.  At
         home  and  something  that will  appeal   the  same  time,  it  would  prove  most
         to  the  varied  tastes  of  all  the  family   helpful  if  readers  would  indicate
         and  friends.  To  fulfill  these  desires   whether the  style  of these  "talks"  are
         the  Home  Cinema  is  the  answer  and   too  advanced  or  too  technical.
         is  always  at your  service.  From  your   Remember-the  Pathescope  Monthly
         favourite  arm  chair you  can  travel to   is  your  journal.  Please  address  your
         the four  corners  of  the  earth  accom-  suggestions  to :-
         panied  by  music,  song,  comedy  and
         drama.  On  this  leisurely,  yet .excit"   THE  EDITOR,
         ing  journey your mode  of transport  is   PATHESCOPE  MONTHLY,
         a  Pathescope  projector,  your  ticket  a
         most  comprehensive selection  of films   PATHESCOPE  LIMITED,
         available and  your destination perfect    NORTH CIRCULAR ROAD,
         entertainment.                                LONDON, N.W.2.

                             CLUB  NOTES

            We  have  been  advised  that a  9.5mm.  Cine Club  is  being formed  in  Taunton.
         Those  interested  are  invited  to write  to the  Secretary ;-Mr. K.  J. Mapledoram,
         27  Mansfield  Road, Taunton, Somerset.
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