Page 2 - pm_1952_02
P. 2
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"A change is as good as a rest". This is a very widely, and perhaps loosely
used expression, but one which, upon consideration, contains a depth of meaning.
After a winter of driving rains, howling winds, hoary frosts and the inevitable
blanket of snow, how pleasant it is to observe the first signs of Spring. The
lengthening days, the bulbs pushing their way above the chill earth's surface
and the busy chirping of numerous birds herald again the change of seasons.
This change manifests itself in all sorts of ways-the young lady appears in the
new fashions, junior is spurred on to play even noisier games, but the keen cine-
matographer shows his appreciation in a more practical manner. · During the
winter months, or at least for the majority of that time, his camera will have been
laid aside and he will have pondered deeply upon the results and shortcomings
of the previous year's camera work, unless he has found how interesting and
pleasing it is to make indoor exposures with VF film and thus to enjoy Pathescope
all the year round, cinematography. With the advent of Spring his enthusiasm
will be fired with a new zest and with it the determination to produce even better
results during the coming year.
Before embarking upon his ambitious programme, for even the cinemato-
grapher has ideals for which he strives, the enthusiast will ensure that his equip-
ment is in first class working order. Nothing should be left to chance, for it is
so easy to destroy in a few moments the results of hours of careful planning by
the omission to check the apparatus before use.
It may be that the happy thoughts inspired by the birth of the Spring season
together with the necessity to achieve the final polished results of his future
programme will be inducive to the purchase of new, or perhaps more comp~x,
apparatus. Whatever the outcome of his deliberations upon this matter it is
certain that advice will be needed on the many, and perhaps widely differing,
situations which will confront him, and in this connection Pathescope Ltd. will be
happy to assist.
In keeping with our opening· remark and our desire to assist the amateur
cinematographer the format of this issue of the Pathescope Monthly has been
slightly altered in order to accommodate the many and varied articles which are
presented for your interest and guidance.
We have received man y enquiries for these excellent 9.5 mm. films, but would
advise that these are marketed only by Messrs. Associated British Pathe, Film
House, Wardour Street, London , W . l: to whom all requests should be made.
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