Page 3 - pm_1952_02
P. 3

... .1\fter  You  have Taken  Your  l~ ... ltm

           You  hm'e  filmed  Junior  on  the   dark  room,  the  chargers  are  opened
         beach-you  put the  ex.posed  charger   and  the  film  removed.  The  film  and
         into  a  corrugated  brown  wrapper  (to   the  envelope  (bearing  the  invoice
         prevent  c!amage}  and  then  into  the   number} are then  ~e.yhanically punch-
         Rainbow  carton  -  NOT  FORGET-    ed  with  a  number,  in  the  form  of
         TING  YOUR  NAME  AND  ADDRESS      small  perforations  through  the  film
         -   then  you  seal  the  carton  ade-  and  envelope.   The  films  are  then
         quately  and  pop  it  in  the  pillar  box   joined  together  on  large  reels  con-
         -what happens  next ?               taining  about  35  films  each,  approx-
           The  First  Act  commences  with  the   imately  I ,050  feet,  ready  for  the
         G.P.O.  arriving  at  Pathescope  Lab-  various  stages  of  processing,  whilst
         oratories  with  numerous  bags  filled   the  envelopes,  now  bearing  an  in-
         with  Rainbow  cartons-these  are  all   voice  and  a  perforated  number,  are
         checked to ensure correct packing and   sent  to  another  department to  await
         put  into  bins.   Cartons  that  are   the  finished  items.
         found  open  and  empty,  many  owing   These  large  reels  are  loaded  on  to
         to customers not securely fixing  same,   the  developing  machine  where  a
         are  put on  one  side  in  the  hope that   compensated   reversal   process  is
         the  chargers  are  in  the  bag  and,  of   carried  out.  This  process  has  been
         course,  very  often  there  are  more   described  in  a  previous  issue  of  this
         than  one, then  it  is  impossible to sort   journal.
         them  out  until  they  are  developed   As  the  film  finishes  its  journey
         and  we  are  contacted  by  the  cust-
                                             through  the  drying  cabinet  it  is
         omer  giving  a  description  of  his   collected .  on  to  large  reels,  from
         film.                               which  it  is  unrolled  and  each  individ-
           The  cartons  that  are  correctly   ual  30ft.  of  film  is  detached  and  re-
         packed  are  opened,  the  chargers  are   wound  with  an  extra  lead  or  tail  at-
         removed,  still  light  tight,  and  put  in   tached.   The   original   envelopes
         an  envelope-if the  customer's  name   which  are  filed  in  the  same sequence
         and  address  have  been  correctly  en-  as  the  films  on  the  large  spool,  are
         closed  the  identification  slip  and  the   then  matched  with  the films  by  mean~
         envelope  containing  the  charger  are   of  the  perforated  numbers  -  when
         given  an  invoice  number.   If,  how-  checked  the  films  are  then  put  into
         ever,  the carton is  received  minus  the   small  bags  and  then  into  their  en-
         name  and  address  of the sender then   velopes.
         a  record  is  made  of  the  postal  de-  The  envelopes,  now  containing  the
         tails,  i.e.,  date  and  place  of  posting,   processed  films,  then  proceed  to the
         if  legible,  and  passed  to the CLAIMS   Despatch  Department  where,   by
         DEPT.,  together  with  the  film  when   means  of the  original  invoice  number
  I      processed.                         the  customers  address  is  obtained.
          The  chargers  in  envelopes,  bearing
                                             Following  this each  package is  sealed,
 I       invoice  numbers,  are  passed  to  the   labelled  and  then  back into the  hands
                                            of  the  G.P.O. for  the  return  journey.
         next  department  where,  in  a  totally
           9.5tnllt.  FILM  LIBRARY  SERVICES
                 are  offered  by the  following  dealers
         Messrs.  HOLDINGS  FIDELITY  FILMS,  39-41,  Mincing  Lane,  Blackburn   Silent
                              POSTAL  SERVICE  IN  OPERATION
         J.  LIZARS,  118,  Union  Street,  Aberdeen                    Silent
         RELIANCE  PHOTO  SERVICE,  60,  High  Street,  Lowestoft       Silent
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