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A * Speeds from I 0 frames to the
fixed speed of 24 frames per
second as desired.
Sound The sound speed of 24 frames
* per second is .positively electric-
Investment ally controlled. Revolving
Perfectly balanced
* Scanning Drum.
Separate Exciter Lamp.
* Direct sound reading to the
* Photo Electric Cell. No reflected
Perfectly balanced amplifier with
* separate switch and Volume and
Tone Controls. 5 Watts UR-
distorted output.
* Gramophone and Microphone
* P.M. 10-inch Loud Speaker with
20-ft. cable.
* Total weight 35 lbs. ap.prox.
Dimensions I Ot" x 14f' x 16".
£78 complete
The "SON'' Projector, the latest introduction to the Pathescope range, has
been skilfully designed and precision built to ensure perfect rendering of both
sound and silent films. With crystal clear sound reproduction and brilliant screen
illumination, the "SON" Projector is the ideal and complete Home Cinema.
Easily transportable, the "SON" Projector and Loud Speaker are contained in
one carrying case.
The following is an extract from the Test Bench report on the SON projector which appeared
in the September issue of the ,Amateur Cine World.
INTERLOCKED SWITCHES " .•. The motor switch must, of course, be on before the pick-
up input can be us·ed, but it is possible to push the motor speed control lever right back and
stop the motor with the amplifier on. It seems preferable to leave the motor turning over
slowly whenever the amplifier is on, to maintain a current of air through it".
Whilst we agree with the fore-going comments we would emphasise that IT IS ESSENTIAL for
the motor to be kept moving, since failure to carry out this simple procedure will inevitably
result in the motor winding becoming overheated and eventually burning out.
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