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£1ub Notes
In its early prewar years, this Society (then known as the N.A.C.S.J adopted
9.5 mm. as its wor~ing gauge, but all gauges are now catered for. A story
written and scripted by the Chairman is now ready for shooting on 9.5 mm.
stock, and productions in other gauges are also planned. The Society's H.Q.-
St. Vedast; Meetings-every Tuesday evening. All communications to the Hon.
Sec., Mr. W. D. Robertson, 5 Essex Street, Norwich.
A cine club is being formed in N.W. London, and it is hoped to cater for
workers in all three gauges. Will any person, with or without equipment, inter-
ested in either acting or production, please communicate with A. Kaulins, II
Burgess Hill, London, N.W.2.
To see how the professional tackles a holiday or travel film, we screened films
from B.O.A.C. - one a Kodachrome travel film "Speedbird to Sunrise" gave
members many ideas on continuity and linking shots. The other two films-"Air
Parade" and "In on the Beam" aroused admiration for both the interesting and
technical qualities of the films.
Also in the last month we had a debate with Still Section and although the
Cine were outnumbered, we managed to keep our end up and almost had
several converts. ,
THE ERIMUS RESEA,RCH GROUP, Middlesbrough, Yorks, is an organisation
which caters for enthusiasts of all gauges, though most of it's activities have
been concerned with 9.5 mm. Apart from making films, this Group believes in
making as much as .possible of it's own equipment. Equipment made and
adapted in this way includes a 22 watt push-pull amplifier, a large and varied
assortment of lighting equipment, and an all-purpose gantry-cum-screen stand-
cum-mobile proscenium. A News Reel of local events during 1953 is being
compiled. Plans are well ahead for the winter season and will include public
showings of amateur films.
Communications to :-L. Sumner, Hon. Sec., 69 Ashford Avenue, Middles-
borough, Yorks.
The above unit, which has been formed in Musselburgh, Midlothian, uses
9.5 mm. equipment and film only. They are interested to hear from any cine
amateurs in the Musselburgh or Edinburgh districts. Communications to Mr.
S. Moran, 72 Westholmes Gardens, Musselburgh, Midlothian.
Mr. A. Bisschoff, Dept. of Agriculture, Mokhoflong, Basutoland, is very
anxious to correspond with 9.5 mm. enthusiasts in England, with a view to
sending them material of interest from time to time.
HACKNEY CINE CLUB. Review of events.
June 9th-A cine exhibition was held; over £680 of equipment was on show.
June 23rd-Pians formulated for a new 9.5mm. production ... "His Slipped
Disc" or "Holidays with Pain".
July 7th_,Lecture by Mr. R. Thorn, M.B.K.S., of Pathescope Ltd.
New members are always welcome. Meetings held every Tuesday evening.
Apply to the Hon. Sec., Vernon Hall, 23 Hackney Grove, London, E.3.
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