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        Amateur Open Award

            By  kind  permission  of  Mr.  J . A.  Barnden  we  are  happy to announce that th
         1952  Open  Award  prizewinning  film  is  now  available  on  loan,  to  cine  clubs  and
        societies.  At  present,  this  distribution  is  confined  solely  to  such  organisations,
         but  if  it  becomes  possible  to  extend  these  facilities  to  private  individuals  an
         announcement will  be  made  in  the  Pathescope Monthly  at  a  later date.  As can
         be  appreciated  bookings  can  only  be  made  if  firm  dates  are  given,  and  II
         those  interested  should  write  to :  The  Editor  (A.O.S.,)  Pathescope  Ltd.,  North
         Circular  Road,  London,  N.W.2.
           ~lose ups  with  your  PAT £ine £'amet•u
          As  you  have  seen in  the instruction   You  will  require  one  or  another  of
        book  supplied  with  the  PAT  cine   these  portrait  attachments  and  fhey
        camera,  the  lens  is  set  to  provide   may be obtained on  reference to your
        excellent  all  round  definition  for   Pathescope  dealer,  price, inclusive  of
        distances  from  12  feet  up  to  infinity.   Tax,  16/ 7d.  each.
          It  was  not  possible  to  supply  a
        focussing  lens  of  acceptable  quality   CORONATION  DA l'
        on  a  cine  camera  offered  at  so   Our  recent  releases  covering  th
         modest a  price and  consequently with   procession  and  Ceremony which  took
        the lens alone $Ubjects filmed  at lesser   place on that great historical  day 2nd
        distances  than  12  feet  must  be  un-  June  1953  have  proved  to  be  "best
        sharp  and  lacking  in  'definition.  Of   sellers"  and  if  you  have not yet  mad
        course this  was  appreciated  when  the   your  purchase  you  should  not  miss
        cine  camera  was  designed  and  med-  the  opportunity  to  preserve,  for  all
        ium  provided  to  meet  close  up  re-  time, a  pictorial record of the Crown-
        quirements  in  having  available  a   ing  of  our  Beloved  Queen.
        range  of  portrait  attachments  and   The  full  length  Sound  Version
        for your  close  up work you  should  use   announced  on  page  6  has  already
         the attachment made for the distance   proved  very  popular  despite  the fact
        nearest  to  that  which  you  wish  to   it  has  not  been  announced  direct  to
         photograph.  For  most  purposes  the   the  9.5mm.  user,  for  at  the  time  of
        3  metre  attachment  will  prove  to  be   "going  to  press"  of  our  last  issue,
         the one  required  as  when  it is  slipped   arrangements  had  not  been  com-
        over  the  lens  it  gives  pin  sharp   pleted.
         pictures  of  nearest  full  length  sub-  On  this  occasion  Pathescope  were
         jects.  The  2  metres  portrait  attach-  again  first  in  the  substandard  field
         ment  covers  half  length,  the  I  metre   and  are rather  proud  of the fact  that
         covers  face  and  head  only  and  the 1   the  first  copies  were  delivered  to
         metre  is  the  type  which  is  used  for   dealers  on  the  6th  June,  just  four
         photographing  titles.             days  after  the  actual  ceremony.
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