Page 4 - PM_1953-10
P. 4
~fuome~~ Thoughts from Abroad
Mr. A. E. Humby,
R.N.A.D. Ganspan,
P.O. Andalusi Tvl.,
S. Africa.
Dear Editor,
We are situated on the fringe of the Kalahari Desert, and sevonty mil s
from the nearest town of Kimberley.
Arriving in Cape Town in 1941 , I purchased a second-hand camera nd
.projector of the older type, and have, during my stay in South Africa, shot
about 4,000 feet of film-many failures in the beginning, but have gained ex-
perience and now consider that I can approach any subject for portrayal in both
Black and White and Kodachrome, the latter of course, apart from cost, being
the most interesting. We have to wait a few months for processing colour, but
it is worth waiting for. The Black and White is well on time and as we get little
or no entertainment here in a camp of about 200 Europeans, I am very pleased
to be able to provide something in the camp of local interest.
I have been supplied with my first issue of the "Pathescope Monthly", and
have read it over and over again. I must congratulate you on such an interest-
ing little publication. The result o·f a competition held, and the helpful suggestion
were very welcome. The Pat Camera too, must be a great innovation, but
think the pre-war model that I use may be quite as good.
Now a few details of my equipment. My camera is Model B, and in good
condition, having travelled with me thousands of miles in this country, visiting
the Victoria Falls and the main centres in Rhodesia. Incidentally I have now
200 feet of film shot during an air trip over the Falls, and only being able to
poke my camera through a window in a three seater plane, consider this shot
to be one of my best. The Projector (an Ace) is carried in a case which can
be used as a stand for projection. This case, on opening, contains plug sockets
for .projector, and screen lighting. My projector picture measures eight feet
by five feet, and is almost as large as the 16 mm. used in our local bioscope
cinema. Being an amateur artist, and in charge of the Eledrical Department
in the Depot, good sets can be contrived together with lighting effects.
I remain, with kindest regards,
30 not out and still batting
I have just received my copy of The Home Movie was in use until
"Pathescope Monthly" and regret 1939 after adding motor super
that I must shatter Mr. A. W . Bra m- attaehment etc., and then purchased
ham's record by at least four years my present 200 B, now of course a
so far as 9.5 mm. goes. talkie. My first camera was the
hand turned model, and at present
'I traded my original Emermann 35 use the ever faithful Motocamera B
mm. projector for a Home Movie in and can give a full four hours show
either 1922 or 1923, the 35 mm. job of my own personal films.
being purchased in about 1920. -H. H. C ass (Crewe).
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