Page 11 - RD_2000-12
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         Thcr'l' arc also m<my  ways  to lessen the  odour,  but these will  not stop deterioration, and ultimately
         the  lilm  may  not  smell so bad, but it will be guaranteed un-runable.

         To  date  nobody  has  come  up  with  a  conclusive  answer  to  repairing  film  damaged  by  Vinegar
         What  has  to  he:  considered is  finding a substance that acts as a plasticiser on  Triacetate film  base,
         without clkctivcly laminating the whole film  and making it un-showable because it can no longer
         be  l(lcuscd, due to the additional thickness of the film base caused by the plasticising agent

         4 -1'rt'tllmenl
         In  several  years or running a small  film  archive and theatre in  Queensland, where temperature and
         humidity  vary  dramatically,  the Vinegar Syndrome  problem was  certainly prone to  damage prints
         easily.  /\lthou~·.h cold storage was a viable option for us,  it did nothing about keeping the film  in a
         useable condition.

         /\Her  much  experimentation  on  film  that  had  the  Vinegar  Syndrome  and  was  not  considered
         valuable enough  to  preserve, a solution was found that not only halts the syndrome,  but repairs the
         damage done to the film  as welL

         Experimentation was limited to treating effected film with a substance that we were confident would
         act  as  a  plasliciser on  the substrate,  coupled with an  agent to  lessen  the smell  during the  healing

         The  early  work  was  prom1smg,  but  did  not  appear  to  be  a  permanent  solution,  with  Vinegar
         Syndrome  re-appearing  after  some  4  to  6  months  of initial  treatment.  Careful  microscopic
         investigali11n llfthc emulsion showed that although old holes caused by the acetic acid breakthrough
         had healed, new  holes had formed, seemingly next to the repaired holes.

         Slight  changes were made to the plasticiser base material, ensuring a higher degree of purity in its
         Treatment is  simple,  effective and long lasting,  although it is not a permanent solution, with some
         prints reacting more favourably than others in terms of how long the treatment lasts.  Certainly some
         prints, in  1;1ct the vast majority, showing no recurring symptoms after periods of up to two years.

        The treatment  may be safely reapplied to  films  over  long periods without any damage to the film
         being caused by Liquid Film Plasticiser.
         'I .iquid  Film  Plasticiser'  is  on  the  market  in  25ml  bottles  fitted  with  an  eye-dropper  for  ease of
        application.  Packed  with  full  instructions,  the  Vinegar  Syndrome  Elimination  Kit  will  have
        sullicicnt 'Liquid Film  Plasticiser' to treat about thirty  full  length  16mm  features,  or thirty 2,000'
        spools or 35mm film.  The cost of each repair kit is Australian $60.00 (US$40), posted to anywhere
        in tht.:  world, you can pay by International Money Order or Bank Cheque, or within Australia only,
        by personal Cheque, Money Order, or C.O.D. Postage.

        The  kit  is  available  only  from  The  Redcliffe  Picture  Palace,  151  Sutton  Street,  Redcliffe,
        Quccnshmd, Australia 4020.  For further inquiries contact the co-ordinator, Peter Goed, on 617 3883
        2392,  Htx: 617 3283  1394, Email:
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