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interlaced and upside down with respect to each   present!  This  claim  must  be  regarded  as
         other.  On  projection,  after  running  the  film   hyperbole;  with  valve  amplifiers  of that  era
         through it was not rewound but transferred from   working at  lull  output  something like  five  per
         the take-up to the  feed  spool  and  run  through   cent harmonic distortion would have been about
         the  projector  a  second  time  when  the  second   the  best  achievable  with  ironcored  output
         reel  of film  with  its  associated  sound  track   transformers  and  output  valves  like  the
         would be reproduced.                  ubiquitous 6L6<J.

         To  achieve  this  a  special  Harper          The  most  powerful  lamps  of the
         projector  was  designed  and  made            day  tor  portable  16mm  projectors
         using many of the same components,             were  I ,000  watts  with  a  biplane
         eg.  sprockets  and  feed  rollers  as         filament  used  with  conventional
         were  used  in  the  printer,  but  no         condenser  optics  and  uncoated
         comprehensive  details  are  included          projection lenses. A long throw for
         in  the  Patent  Specification,  only  a       an  audience  in  excess  of  500
         general mention.                               would  have  needed  at  least  a  3"
                                                        pr~jeetion  lens  of probably  fl2.5
         The  equipment  was  designed  and             aperture.  This  with  the  relatively
         made  in  a  research  department  of          inetlicient  light  source/condenser
         Miles  Aircraft  under  the  overall           system  and the slow pull down  of
         direction  of Mr.  F.  G.  Miles.  The         the  maltese  cross  intermittent
         development   and   constructional             would  have resulted in a very dim
         aspects were directed throughout by            picture.   Probably   a   sensible
         Mr. K  W.  Hole. Ref4.                         maximum  audience  would  be
         Ref  4.  shows  an  illustration  of  a        eighty to one hundred.
         three  quarter  front  view  of  the           There  have  been  a  few  short  and
         Harper  16mm  S.O.F  projector.  Not           sometimes         inaccurate
                                            Fig.  3
         surprisingly   it   bears   a   close          accounts/mentions  of  the  Harper
         resemblance  to  the  larger  semi-            system  in  magazines  since  1948.
         professional machines of the later 1930s with a   eg.  Refs  5,  6  and  7,  and  even  in  The  Miles
         rectangular  cabinet  containing  the  lamphouse   magazine, Re( 4, this latter states:- "With these
         and mechanism with the feed and take up arms   alterations  the  speed  of the  film  through  the
         and  reels  on  the  top.  Re£4  states  that  the   camera remained the same ....  "
         projector  would  also  accommodate  normal
         16mm  S.O.F.  prints  but no  specific details  are   There  was  never  any  intention  to  produce  a
         given  as to  how  this  was  achieved,  except  for   camera  for  the  Harper  system  and  none  were
         mention of a small "friction sprocket" driven by   ever designed or made. The sole function of the
         the film  fitted  to the  projector  about 3"  below   printer and projectors was to reproduce existing
         the gate to allow  for  the  difference  in spacing   35mm  films  onto  the  16mm  gauge  with
         between  sound  and  picture  on  35mm  films  as   enhanced quality of sound reproduction.
         opposed to the spacing on normal 16mm prints.
         A switched speed control would also have been   Ref 5 states- "alternate frames are upside down
         necessary but this is not mentioned.  A  maltese  'q  «;:~ch  o,the~  ~d alt~rnate  frames-- only , are
         cross  and  sprocket  provided  the  intermittent   projy~~Qdl'. 'As  read,  a  series  of upright  and
         motion to minimise wear on th~ film.  A  14 watt   inverted  images  would  be  superimposed  on
         amplifier was built into the base of the projector   each other, alternately, clearly n9-(  <(<)Fr~~t
         but could be detached as a complete assembly if
         necessary.  It  was  claimed,  Re£  4,  that  the   It  is  not  known  how  many  Harper  projectors
         undistorted   volume   produced   from   the   were made or what happened to them. The fate
         individual  loudspeakers  was  sufficient to  fill  a   of  the  special  film  perforator  and  the  dual
         hall  with  about  five  to  six  hundred  people   purpose special printer is also unknown. By the
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