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veritable  clandestine  ethos  surrounding  the  I  said,  'I've  got  a  few  machines,  some  Kalees,
       hobby. The practitioners are few and the degree  Edisons and Super Dreadnoughts. He looked me
       of  self-indulgence  demands  both  a  nose  for  over again and then he said, 'I'm Dukeson! You
       business  as  well  as  the  skill  of  a  diplomat.  and I talk the same language, mate!' and he put
       Initially collectors can be wary and suspicious of  his hand out and smiled, and I said, 'Look, I've
       each other, as Davidson explained in describing  got  a  letter  of  introduction  here  too,  from  Jim
       a meeting with a 'film nut' in Burnie, Tasmania.  Davis.  It  might  make  things  look  a  bit  mare
                                            formal.' He took it and read it over. Then he said,
       I'd  heard  about  this  chap  from  a  fellow  who  'Well, any friend of Jim's is a friend of mine!'
       collected  film  machinery.  He  gave  me  his  It was open go from then on. I went back to his
       address, described him, and gave me a letter of  place  that  night  and  saw  his  old  machines,
       introduction.  He  also  warned  me  about  him,  showed  the  films  he  had,  and  saw  how  he
       saying  that  he  was  -  well  what's  the  word?  -  collected  them.  'I  gave  up  films  when  sound
       Eccentric to the point of rudeness. 'If you get on  came in,' he said, sound's no good, a film's got to
       the right side of him it will be all right.' So I went  he  silent.'  He  was  a  projectionist  right  up  until
       down there and knocked on the door. There was  sound came in he then gave it away. Now he just
       no sign of life, except for a couple of dozen bird  runs the silent films to himself. He sits up having
       cages  made  out  of  banana  boxes  with  pigeons  a  meal  with  the  machine  running,  projecting
       and  crows  and  I  don't  know  what  in  them  -  he  through his living room, out the window, across
       collected birds too! And looking through his front  the  veranda,  and  onto  the  screen  behind  the
       window  into  his  lounge  room  I  could  see  a  hedge.  When  I  saw  that,  I  had  a  funny  feeling
       projector. It  was  aimed through the window  out  and  I  wondered  if  this  was  going  to  be  my
       onto his front hedge, and I could see the frame  destiny, sitting there forever watching old films.
       where  he  hung the  screen!  Well I hung  around  Once collected much needs to he done. It is at
       there  for  a  while  but  there  was  still  no  sign  of  this point that the film collector needs finance to
       him. I asked the fellow who lived next door where  organise,  preserve  and  store  his  collection  for
       he was and he said, he wears a tweed coat and  screening.  Davidson  is  particularly  interested  in
       should  he  sitting  down  outside  the  post  office.  this  aspect  of  "the  collection  business"  as  he
       He's generally down there in the morning talking  phrases it. Although his home is indeed "a house
       to his old cronies.' So I went down and there's a  full  of  film  and  movie  antiquity"  a  closer
       couple of chaps sitting there and I asked them if  inspection reveals that there is a large amount of
       they  were  him  and  they  said  `No.'  So  I  drove  organization. Yet he emphasises that the state of
       round  for  an  hour  or  so,  then  I  saw  a  chap  his  collection  at  the  moment  is  not  at  all
       walking  down  towards  that  area  and  I  thought,  desirable.  With  adequate  finances  he  could
       'Well, he's got a tweed coat.' He didn't look quite  pursue a far more systematic course:
       as  old  as  I  imagined  him  to  he, judging  by  the  The best thing to do to improve my set-up would
       way  the  other  people  hall  described  him.  He  he to look round for the right location, preferably
       went down and sat outside the post office. I went  a  disused  factory  built  of  brick  where  there's
       up to him and said, 'I'm looking for Mr. Dukeson,  plenty of space. I could set up racks, go through
       would you happen to he him?' He looked up and  the  films  and  put  them  in  each  particular
       said, `would you know him if you saw him?' and I  category:  Australian  Silent,  Australian  Sound,
       said, 'No, I've had him described to me. I know  Overseas Silent, Overseas Sound. Then Shorts,
       he'll be wearing a tweed coat and be sitting down  Cartoons, different subjects like that. Put them all
       here around about this time. If you are him we've  down, go through them and repair them. When I
       gut something in common.' He said, 'Well, what  repair  a  silent  film  I  always  make  a  half-splice
       could you have in common?'           join rather than overlap the sprocket holes. I find
       I said, 'I happen to he a collector of silent films.'  that when you put a halfway mark it halves the
       'Silent films?' he said, 'Oh yeah I happen to have  shrinkage on the sprockets when it goes through
       heard  of  those.'  I  said,  'Oh  well,  if  you're  Mr.  the machine, so that you don't have any trouble
       Dukeson  and  since  we  have  something  in  with  it. I would isolate them  like that so I could
       common  we  can  talk  it  over.'  He  said,  'What  put my hand on each particular thing, and then
       would  you  know  about  silent  films?'  I  said,'  I  start to contact other film archives throughout the
       know  a  fair  bit  about  them,  I've  been  showing  world,  tell  them  what  I've  got,  find  out  what
       them for years and I've collected a lot of them. I  they've got of ours and try and work a swapping
       believe  this  chap  has  got  a  lot  too.  Maybe  we  arrangement  where  everyone's  satisfied.  If  a
       can talk it over and swap a few.' He looked me  film's  made  in  France  or  England  in  1910  and
       over and said, 'Know anything about projectors?'  they haven't got a copy, well we  could work an
                                            arrangement where they did get a copy of it.
        6  REEL DEALS    September 2006
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