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As  a  practicing  projectionist  Davidson  regards  cinema  of  the  early  years  of  the  century  is
       the screening of the film as a vital part of the art  derived  from  seeing  films  in  an  artificial  and
       of  collecting.  He  feels  that  the  film  should  be  inherently absurd situation: in a silent cinema in
       shown  under  the  best  possible  conditions.  An  black  and  white.  Davidson  sees  appropriate
       original  print  of  a  35  mm  colour  duplicate  is  presentation  as  one  of  the  principle  roles  of  a
       mandatory  because  the  original  tints  are  National  Film  Archive.  It  is  only  from  viewing  a
       retained. "Black and white film was an invention  carefully arranged screening as it was originally
       of the talkie era", he explained:    planned that an audience can derive the greatest
       In  one  particular  scene  of  Vaughan  Marshall's  satisfaction from the "Silent Film".
       Environment made in 1927 this chap is delivering  Because of the way these films are discovered,
       a painting to a house in the middle of the night.  and  the  fact  that  many  films,  although  lost,  are
       He gives a quick knock on the door and buzzes  still owned by those people who hold the rights,
       off. You then see the owner of the house open  there  arises  the  delicate  and  legally  sensitive
       the  door  and  there's  the  painting.  Now  in  the  situation   regarding   the   copyright   laws.
       original print that whole scene was dark blue and  Davidson's   attitude   to   this   problem   is
       you  knew  it  was  nighttime.  In  the  copy  they've  straightforward  and  in  many  respects  quite
       got  now  in  Canberra,  and  in  any  other  copies  sensible:
       that  will  exist  from  now  on,  you  see  him  there
       and it's obviously in the daytime and people look  If a man makes a film he owns that film. But a lot
       at that and whinge, `That's not the night, it's the  of  the  films  that  I've  got  were  sold  across  the
       middle of the day.' Of course it was, but it was  counter -- particularly the ten-minute features.
       never shown like that.               They  were  sold  at  six  pence  a  foot  to  the
       Furthermore,  although  films  did  not  talk  they  exhibitor  and  he  was  allowed  to  run  them
       were  never  shown  silent.  Even  remote  country  whenever he liked, it was his property. The idea
       cinemas  could  provide  a  pianist  who  could  of the film companies then was that they called
       improvise  appropriate  music  as  the  film  was  themselves   "film   manufacturers".   They
       being  shown.  Cinemas  in  the  cities  could  manufactured the film and they sold it at so much
       frequently  recruit  entire  orchestras  and  sound  a  foot  and  it  was  up  to  the  exhibitor  to  get  his
       effects men. When Davidson screens his films at  money back from that. I don't think that anyone
       home he always plays suitable recorded music:  should  carry  on  with  sour  grapes  if  a  film  that
       I  saw  a  bad  16mm  copy  of  Murnau's  Faust,  was presumably lost suddenly turns up. The man
       which  I've got  an original 35mm print of.  Now  I  who found it should be recognized for it. I don't
       run  that  here,  tinted  scenes,  the  right  music  think  people  should  hand  him  a piece  of  paper
       behind it, the right backgrounds, and everything -  and carry on saying, "This is ours". They should
       especially  the  part  where  Faust  provokes  the  be  happy  that  the  film  exists.  Nevertheless
       Devil  at  the crossroads.  There I play  the music  conflict  over  copyright  laws  still  exists  and
       out  of  Fantasia,  `The  Night  on  Bald  Mountain',  clarification  about  legitimate  ownership  of  old
       and it fits in beautifully. I saw the same film being  films is needed, both for the guidance of the film
       screened at the Melbourne University to I'd say  collectors and the original holders of film rights.
       every  part  of  two  hundred  students.  It  was  on  In addition to the legal aspects of film collection,
       16mm,  in  black  and  white,  dead  silent!  It  just  two more problems arise as the number of films
       wasn't  the  same  picture.  If  those  two  hundred-  held  by  a  collector  increases.  Storage  is  a
       odd students saw that film, and they'd read the  perpetual  dilemma.  Ideally  all  film  should  be
       write-ups on Faust - and there's only good write-  stored  in  a  fireproof  vault  at  a  constant
       ups  on  it  -  they'd  wonder  what  in  the  hell  are  predetermined temperature  and humidity.  Since
       people talking about. How could they enjoy this  such a chamber is beyond the resources of most
       stuff? But they didn't see Faust. They saw a bad  film collectors, and since there is no central film
       copy,  silent.  That  just  wasn't  the  way  it  was  archive established to which collectors can send
       meant to he, it wasn't like that!    their irreplaceable films, storage is carried out on
       Finally,  it  is  also  necessary  that  the  film  be  an  individual  ad  hoc  basis.  As  Davidson
       shown  at  silent  speed.  At  24  fps  the  original  explained,  some  people,  for  some  as  yet
       sense of timing is thrown completely askew.  undefined reason, wrap their films in newspaper.
       Davidson's concern for the art of presentation is  There is also a collector in Caulfield who hoards
       yet another indication of his love for film. It is a  his films under the galvanized roof of his house
       unique, pleasurable, and informative experience  and never screens them:
       to attend his screenings; it is an experience that  They all have different methods. I like to put mine
       is enjoyed by too few people in Australia today -  on spools in a trunk and label them. Others will
       especially  those  whose  appreciation  of  the
                                                 REEL DEALS  September 2006  7
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