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screen in the film gate if the film was removed.   processing of 28mm  films. During the 1920s
       Dimensions are 12" long,  6" wide height 10"   the gauge enjoyed a measure of popularity such
       and loaded it weighed 15 lbs. (See Figs 7 and   that when Pathe were phasing out 28mm  as a
       8). A very similar camera was marketed in the   home movie gauge following  the  introduction
       USA by Willard Cook. (Fig 9). This was the   of 9.5mm. Herschells are reputed to  have met
       New Premier Pathescope Camera. This camera   the demand for entertainment films by making
       used daylight loading spools the film being   28mm prints of some of the  American  feature
       provided with paper  leaders. In the original   films that they were handling. A 28mm film is
       Pathè Freres 28mm system while the projector   reported to have been made in 1922 for the
       used film  with a different number of   Victorian Education Department entitled "Fifty
       perforations per frame on each side, camera   Years of Education in Victoria". One scene of
       stock was perforated with three perforations per   which showed the massed children’s pageant at
       frame on both sides. At this stage framing was
                                            the Melbourne Cricket  Ground. Extracts  from
       no problem. The same applied to 28mm in the
                                            28mm home movies were copied for inclusion
       USA except that the standard approved by the
                                            in a film  made in recent years to show the
       American Standards Association allowed for
                                            history of the State Electricity Commission, and
       three perforations per frame on both sides of the
                                            it is likely that somewhere in the  Government
       projection print as well as for the camera stock
                                            archives are buried files detailing the early use
       (Fig 10).
                                            made in this country of 28mm  film as an
                                            education medium."
                                            Subsequently Kinetopath Ltd of Film  House,
                                            251a Pitt Street Sydney, became agents for the
                                            KOK and a library of 28mm  films. (Ref 15).
                                            Their brochure stated that "a complete outfit
                                            which includes the following items being all
                                            that is necessary for the successful projection of
                                            pictures: -1 Cinematograph, 1 metal case  for
                                            cinematograph, 1 screen and stand with portable
                                            case, 1 empty spool, 1 electric bulb. £18.18s.
                                            The brochure contains an article taken from the
                                            "Education Gazette and Teachers Aid" of 22nd
       Fig 7. Film chamber of Pathe 28mm camera.
                                            April 1914 giving details  of a demonstration
                                            given including the physical demonstration
                                            given by children at the Melbourne C G, at the
                                            Education Office (Ref 9) and extolling the
       28mm reached Australia in 1914 and I can not   virtues of the 28mrn system  for educational
       do better than quote the following paragraph   purposes. Eulogistic letters in praise of the
       from Ref 9: "Education Departments in   KOK projector are reprinted in the brochure
       Australia had seen demonstrations of the KOK   including one from the Victorian Softwoods
       given by Pathe representatives in 1914 and, in   Association  of Melbourne in which the
       Victoria at least, authorities accepted it as a   Association Secretary, Alfred R Moses, claimed
       teaching aid. The Herschell Film  Laboratories   to have given a show to "considerably over 200
       became Pathe agents and carried out local   persons  present and the views  were distinctly
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