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developed by the late Sam Buncher  of the   after which date SOME would have been filmed
       Vacuumate Corporation and Arnold Schieman   on 28mm camera stock. Most of the films listed
                                            are documentary / educational such as "Making
       of the NFB).
                                            Pig Iron" to "The Hermit Crab". Activities in
       Thus the wheel has turned full circle in Canada;   foreign countries are also covered such as
       material originally filmed on 35mm and printed   "Vintage in Burgundy" and "Salt Industry in
                                            Sicily". A section entitled Movies lists various
       down to 28mm is now being printed back up to
                                            entertainment films such as "The Gambler" and
       35mm in order  to  project it on modern   "That Model from Paris". Chaplin is much in
       equipment. (Fig 1 1).                evidence.
       I had the good fortune to visit the National Film   In the UK  our National Film  Archives,
       Archives in Ottawa in 1983 by kind courtesy of   originally at Aston Clinton,  but now relocated
       Georde Bova, the then Head of the Film
       Services Unit and saw the thousands of tins of   at Berkhamstead has  a copy of the  American
       28mm  films  which were still being inspected   Pathescope Film Catalogue the original of
       and catalogued. In addition to the collection   which is held at their London Office of the
       described above the National Film Institute was   British Film Institute; currently they have some
       still receiving a steady trickle of 28mm  films,   200 films on 28rnm including several Max
       which were being handed in by both   Linder comedies.
       professional  organisations  and  private
       individuals as they came to light. While this is   28mm in the UK today.
       an excellent situation for Canadian archivists
       and historians it has the unfortunate effect of   In February 1983 I tried to discover how many
       locking away  from the private collector all of   28mm owners there were in the UK, other than
       the    duplicate                     professional institutions. (Ref 18). Additional to
       copies    being                      myself there  were  at that time only twelve. In
       handed in. One                       addition I had four replies from abroad. From
       case  cited in Ref
       16 concerns seven                    Australia, one (Mike  Trickett), and from the
       copies of the same                   Netherlands three. All of these had KOK
       film handed in to                    projectors  nearly all  with the rewind gear
       the Archives. Once                   missing. The number of 400ft reels of film (or
       handed  to  the                      equivalent short lengths) in the UK totalled 48,
       Archives   they                      of which I have five and one person had thirty!
       become  national
       property   and                       Of that 30, half were loose coils  without reels
       unavailable                          and so I arranged for a number of 400ft 16mm
       although this is                     reels to be converted to 28mm by  fitting new
       done with the best                   specially  made brass cores so  that the films
       possible motives.                    could be projected.
        Above: 28mm positive. Note perforations
                                            Although most of the 28mm films in the UK are
       I have managed to acquire a copy of Ref 17,   black and white I have seen one film tinted
       which consists of 99 pages. The introduction   sepia, overall, and another tinted salmon pink.
       carries the misleading statement "The originals   Subject matter varies widely from the Pyramids
       are 28mm black  and white silent and are on
       safety film stock". Remembering that 28mm did   of Egypt and Salmon Fishing to such slapstick
       not come into general use until 1914 and  the   comedies  as  "No More Bald Men". There
       catalogue covers the period  1907 to 1930 the   appears to  be no communication  between
       28mm  films can not all be originals but are   28mrn owners and so no opportunity to see
       printed down from 35mm  at least up to 1914
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