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seen by all, including those at the rear of the   in Canada. A wide range of subjects appeared
       hall". A letter in similar vein from a Mr H I D   on 28mm but most of those that have turned up
       Fraser, Purser of the TSS "Karooia" claimed   in the UK are educational  / documentary but
       that the Pathe Home Cinema carried on board   with a  modicum of  entertainment / comedy
       for the last few trips has proved a great success   shorts. These all seem to be of either 20Oft or
       in every way. "Almost every night the Pictures   400ft in length.
       are screened before a large and appreciative
                                            In the Library of Congress in Washington DC,
       audience and even in  the large lounge of this
                                            USA, is a large catalogue of 28mm films, which
       steamer  can be seen clearly and distinctly by
                                            is available  for inspection on request. (They
       everyone". (And all with a projector lamp of 6
                                            also have the only other Victor Safety Cinema
       volts, 0.75 amps = 4.5 watts!).
                                            Projector I have seen  mounted on a pedestal
                                            under a glass case in one  of their reception
       The brochure concludes with a list of 207 titles
                                            areas, Serial No. 1597).
       available for hire.
                                            Ref 16 states, "Fortunately for future historians
                                            and archivists, Rev.  Joseph E Gravelle, a
                                            Roman Catholic Priest with a French-Canadian
                                            congregation near North Bay, Ontario, managed
                                            to store about 2,500 28mm prints in an old barn.
                                            These prints  were acquired from Father
                                            Gravelle by Greg Hoy of Graphic Consultants,
                                            Ontario in 1965. The entire collection including
                                            a 28mm to 35mm optical step printer was
                                            acquired by the National  Film Archives (now
                                            the National Film, Television and Sound
                                            Archives) in 1972. This printer has since been
                                            extensively  modified by the NFTSA.  An
                                            improved optical system, light source, transport
                                            and drive mechanism, including an Oxberry
                                            28mm  wet-gate, have  all greatly improved the
                                            quality of the 35mm dupe-negatives produced
                                            by this printer. The addition of a Depue light-
                                                                change  resistance
                                                                board allows scene-
       Fig  8.  New  Pathescope  28mm  camera  sold                 to-scene
       in USA by Willard Beach Cook Ref 12.
                                                                timing corrections
       28mm Film Catalogues.                                    to be made from the
       When one considers the number of countries in            notched 28mm film.
       which 28rnm  was used both for home and                  Prior to printing the
       professional purposes one can  assume  with a            28mm prints are
       reasonable degree of  certainty that there is no         timed, cleaned and
       such thing as a complete catalogue of all of the         re-dimensioned (the
       28rnm  films ever  made. Most were printed               latter a process
       down from existing 35mrn negatives but quite a
       lot were made using 28mm cameras, especially   Above: 28mm negative. Note perforations
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