Page 4 - 2014-12
P. 4
Hand turned 35mm projector c.1920
- Revisited
The little hand turned 35 mm projector that appeared on the cover of the March
2014 edition of Reel Deals created a lot of interest - more than any other cover
item in the past - I even received an offer to buy it!
How I came by the projector may be of more interest that the actual details of
the machine.
In my early days as a keen collector (Gee! That’s some 40 years ago), I placed
the occasional ‘wanted’ ad in the Melbourne Trading Post; as you would expect,
I received calls for people thinking that their old Bell & Howell, etc. was worth
an absolute fortune. However, on one occasion, I received a call from an elderly
gentleman who said he had this old projector which his father had left to him
and he didn’t have any use for it.
4 REEL DEALS December 2014