Page 36 - 2015-12
P. 36

Being  a  ‘film  person’  I  guess  some  of  my
                                            comments on the day were less than flattering.
                                            I couldn’t believe that anyone would want to
                                            watch such a grainy picture. The grain in the
                                            picture was the actual pixels that made up the
                                            LCD  panels,  when  viewing  the  picture  at  a
                                            distance of about 4-5 metres, it was very no-

        The Canon FS21  SD card recording only.

        SD Memory Card Recording
        The best of them all! These small cards, (SD
        standing for Secure Digital) with capacities up  Sharp’s 100-Inch LCD Video Projector.
        to (and beyond) 64 gigabytes,  in a high defini-
        tion video camera that equals several hours of  Just like cameras, the video projector as gone
        full HD video.  Once full, remove the SD card  on  to  performance  levels  that  were  only
        and fit another, plug the card it into your lap  dreamed of at the time of their introduction.
        top or home computer and play it  back. Copy
        the  file  onto  your  computer  for  editing  or  Where to from here for us film fanatics?
        generating of a DVD. The card could then be  It is pretty obvious that there wont be any more
        erased and reused. Having no mechanical parts  general releases on film. I guess we should be
        involved in the recording process,  his system  grateful  for  what  we  have  in  our  collections
        has proved to be most reliable - finally a sys-  and  that  there  is  a  lively  market  out  there
        tem that ticks all of the boxes!    between  collectors.  Many  collectors  have
                                            started to dispose of their holdings, this may be
        Unfortunately,  the  evolution  of  better  video  somewhat short sited, as there are many films
        recording  and  display  methods  has  seen  the  available on both 16 m and 35 mm which will
        use of film in its various forms decline to the  probably never appear on DVD or BluRay.
        point where using film to record an event is a
        rarity. Digital projection as overtaken 35 mm  For those “afflicted” with the “disease” of film
        film as the preferred method for cinema exhi-  and projectors, no digital device can replace
        bition.                             the thrill of putting on a good show, with the
                                            projector  running  smoothly  in  the  back
        Instead  of  lugging  around  boxes  of  35  mm  ground,  getting  the  change-overs  right  and
        film. Programs are now supplied to the cinema  getting the feed back from the audience, even
        on  a  hard  drive,  the  format  used  is  Digital  if  the  occasional  person  asks  it  that  was  on
        Cinema Package (DCP), which is loaded into  DVD!
        the cinema’s computer system for screening.
                                            And finally remember Vintage Cars still have
        Home Video Projection               their enthusiasts, even if the latest automatic
        This is a whole subject in its own. Again, the  car is quieter and easier to drive.
        first home video projector I ‘had a play with’
        was on a training day at Sharp. They were very  Picture credits:
        excited at the release of their 100 inch, LCD  Unless  indicated  otherwise,  all  images  are
        video projector.                    from the author’s collection of ‘stuff’!

        36  REEL DEALS   December 2015
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