Page 18 - RD_2015_12
P. 18

A black and silver thirty-four-foot jugger-
                                                     naut of the road, just completed in Califor-
                                                     nia,  will  bring  talking  movies  to  country
                                                     dwellers, in towns too small to boast the-
                                                     aters of their own. The huge bus carries a
                                                     complete  talkie  theater  in  its  spacious
                                                     interior. When the bus is drawn up at the
                                                     side of a road and two doors at the rear
                                                     are  opened,  a  screen  is  disclosed.  An
                                                     audience of 2.000 can see and hear the
                                                     pictures  that  are  projected  upon  it  from
                                                     inside the bus.
                                                     Elaborate  living  accommodations  will
                                                     make its crew of six comfortable during a
                                                     projected tour of the United States. Pull-
                                                     man-like  berths,  a  shower  bath,  and  a
                                                     complete  kitchen  with  a  refrigerator  and
        At top, the strange looking vehicle is a     an electric hot water heater are among its
        complete movie theatre on wheels run by      fixtures. The driver’s “pilot house” is on a
        its own power and meant to visit small       second  level  above  the  “engine  room,”
        western towns. Above, within the projec-     and is reached by a stairway.
        tion room; at right, one of the Pullman
        berths.  An  automatic  sprinkler  system    Under the screen at the rear of this land
                                                     cruiser  are  the  huge  horns  that  supply
        has been installed to protect the projector  sound  for  the  talkies.  They  are  fed  with
                                                     electricity  from  a  built-in  gasolinepowe-
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