Page 14 - RD_2015_12
P. 14

Screening film at the …

                    Perth International Arts Festival

                                                               Lindsay Morris

        I was recently engaged by the Perth International Arts Festival (PIAF) to carry out four screenings
        of Rolf de Heer’s films as part of the festival program in the Alexander Library Theatrette in
        Perth, using the 35 mm plant that is still installed there.  I am fairly certain that the setup is the
        ONLY 35 mm plant available in Perth.
        For many years I was the projectionist for the International Film Theatre, which ran regular
        sessions on Sundays, oddly enough called “Sunday Cinema”.  That ceased about eight years ago,
        when the hire of the venue became unviable for the group. So after many years of operating there,
        they disbanded and passed their funding reserves over to Australian  Federation of Film Societies.
        A nice windfall for them as the reserves were quite considerable.
        The  library  theatre  is  a  particularly  well  equipped  venue,  with  16  mm,  35  mm  and  DVD
        projection equipment installed. PIAF wanted to run a retrospective of Rolf de Heer’s work, and
        there were three titles not available in the now universally used, Digital Cinema Package (DCP)
        format. Not that the library could normally screen DCPs.
        The congested projection room. L-R: 35mm film platter, Fumeo 16 mm projector,  NEC900C
        digital projector, Balantyne 35mm projector (obsecured), audio mixer (in foreground).

        14  REEL DEALS    March 2017
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