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tained  from  the  wider  film.  On  one  or  two  slightly at fault, the defect becomes intensi-
        occasions the gauge has been revised slightly,  fied still more. By the time the picture reach-
        but the variations merely affected the dimen-  es  the  projector  the  infinitesimally  small
        sions  of  the  hole  to  a  microscopic  degree.  defect  in  the  first  instance  becomes  in-
        Fundamentally, the gauge as set by Edison for  creased fourfold or even more. The picture
        the  first  commercial  apparatus  for  showing  will jump and flutter in the most distressing
        photographs in motion prevails to-day, and is  manner,  and  no  matter  how  dexterous  the
        universally accepted.               operator may be, and despite the excellence
                                            of  his  projector,  he  cannot  by  any  means
        The film is received from the manufacturers  rectify  or  mitigate  very  appreciably  defects
        in a plain ribbon, and the perforation has to  arising from indifferent perforation.
        be  done  shortly  before  the  film  is  taken  in
        hand  for  exposure.  The  film  manufacturers  The contribution of imperfect perforation to
        cannot possibly supply it perforated, because  unsteadiness in projection was recognised in
        the  celluloid  base  undergoes  continuous  the earliest days; and great technical skill was
        physical change while in storage. Under vary-  devoted  to  the  elaboration  of  machines  to
        ing climatic conditions it shrinks and expands  puncture  the  film  with  scientific  precision.
        to an extent which may not be observable to  Marvellous  appliances  have  been  produced
        the eye, but becomes pronounced when the  for this purpose; but despite the infinite la-
        picture is projected upon the screen.  bour  bestowed  upon  their  production  the
                                            possibility of error is ever present. Still, it has
        The necessity for mathematical precision in  been  reduced  to  infinitesimal  proportions,
        the  matter  of  perforating  is  somewhat  ob-  and, given a careful operator, a film can be
        scure to the uninitiated, but its effects may  perforated with the holes varying not a thou-
        be  demonstrated  very  easily.  Compare  the  sandth part of an inch from the gauge.
        vibrating  or  oscillating  flickering  picture  of  The very earliest type of perforating machine
        1896  with  that  shown  upon  the  screen  to-  was known as the “Rotary Perforator," Paul
        day, in which the effect produced comes very  leading the way in this, as in several other
        close  to  that  of  the  camera  obscura.  If  the  ramifications  of  the  industry.  The  machine
        perforation  errs  the  hundredth  part  of  an  was  driven  by  a  mechanism  identical  with
        inch, steadiness in the picture
        is forfeited. The films have to
        be  punctured  with  the  same
        mathematical  accuracy  that
        goes  to  the  production  of  a
        tiny  screw  intended  for  the
        most delicate piece of mecha-
        This  is  especially  the  case  in
        regard  to  the  perforation  of
        the negative film. If this is not
        absolutely  true  to  gauge,  the
        existing error will be magnified
        in  the  passage  of  the  film
        through  the  camera;  and
        should  the  latter  be  ever  so

        18  REEL DEALS    December  2017
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