Page 19 - RD_2015_12
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that  utilised  in  the  camera  and  projector;  the  most  simple  design  and  operation,  de-
        because the film had to be advanced inter-  manding the minimum of labour on the part
        mittently beneath the punches, which were  of the operator.
        provided with an oscillating movement. This  In the Williamson perforator, four holes on
        type of machine is shown in the illustration.  either  side  of  the  film  are  punched  at  one
        Paul’s  first  appliance  has  always  ranked  as  time, and two films are perforated simulta-
        more simple, efficient, and reliable than any  neously, the sensitised surfaces being face to
        other.                              face. This arrangement obviates the danger
        During recent years the rotary perforator has  of scratching or rubbing the sensitised sur-
        fallen from favour, on the plea that it soon  face during the operation. One coil of plain
        becomes imperfect in working; but such an  film is mounted on the spool A, and another
        accusation cannot fairly be brought against  on the lower spool B. The leads from these
        Paul’s  machine,  since  its  designer  used  it  two spools are taken between the rollers C
        continuously  for  four  years,  during  which  on to a small platform or guide gate D, where
        time it punched millions of holes, and to-day  the two superimposed films are brought ac-
        is as correct In its work as when first used.  curately together to pass under the punches.
                                            These are mounted in two rows, the requi-
        It  is  impossible  within  the  scope    of    this  site distance apart, in a moving head piece E,
        book to describe all the various types of per-  which descends at the critical moment, the
        foration apparatus now in vogue, more espe-  punches piercing the films cleanly and sharp-
        cially  as  their  interest  lies  mainly  in  highly  ly,  the  pieces  of  detached  celluloid  falling
        technical details. I will content myself with  into a receptacle on the floor beneath.
        describing three machines which exemplify
        the three most important methods of perfo-  When the head containing the punches rises,
        ration.                             the two hooked fingers or claws F engage a
                                            hole on either side of the films, and pull them
        As this operation has to be carried out in the  forward ready for the punching of the next
        dark room in the dim light of a ruby lamp, it is  four pairs of holes. In addition to carrying four
        imperative  that  the  machines  should  be  of  pairs of punches, the head E carries four pairs

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