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                             MEDIA RELEASE 4 July 2017

         Appointment of Jan Müller as National Film and Sound Archive CEO.
        The  Turnbull  Government  welcomes  the  ap-  ence  will  be  invaluable  in  leading  us  through
        pointment of Mr Jan Müller as the new Chief  this evolution.”
        Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Film
        and Sound Archive (NFSA) for a four-year term.  Mr Müller said he was delighted to be joining
                                            the NFSA, an internationally regarded institu-
        Mr  Müller  is  a  highly  experienced  CEO  and  tion, to contribute to the next phase of its devel-
        leader in the digital heritage and culture sector  opment.  “The  NFSA  has  a  great  history  and
        internationally. Since 2009, Mr Müller has been  committed  staff  and  stakeholders.  I  welcome
        the CEO of the Netherlands Institute for Sound  the opportunity to help maximise its relevance
        and Vision, which comprises one of the largest  to the community it serves and the industries it
        audio visual collections in Europe and Chair of  celebrates,” he said.
        the Europeana Foundation since 2015. The Eu-
        ropeana  Foundation  is  an  online  collection  of  Mr Müller will commence the role in October.
        over 50 million digitised items from museums,  Ms  Meg  Labrum,  NFSA  Collection  General
        libraries, archives and collections.  Manager, will continue as Acting CEO until that
        Prior to turning to the cultural sector, Mr Müller
        had  over  20  years  working  in  the  advertising  The National Film and Sound Archive collects,
        industry including as CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi  preserves  and  shares  Australia’s  memory
        Amsterdam and as a member of the board of the  through film, video, television, stills and record-
        agency in Europe. He was President of the Inter-  ed sound. The Board of the NFSA is responsible
        national Federation of Television Archives from  for the overall performance and strategic direc-
        2012-2016 and is the Chair of the Dutch Media  tion of the organisation.
        Literacy program and the Dutch National Coali-  In  addition  to  Mr  Müller’s  appointment,  the
        tion for Digital Preservation and Sustainability.
                                            Government has also reappointed two members
        “Mr Müller is a global leader in film and media  to the NFSA Board for three year terms.
        archives  and  museums  and  digital  culture,”  Ms Toni Cody is a highly experienced market-
        Minister  Fifield  said.  “His  expertise  will  ing and business consultant with over 20 years’
        strengthen NFSA’s digitisation, public engage-  industry  experience  in  strategic  planning  and
        ment and international and local partnerships.”
                                            change management. Ms Cody is also the Chair
        Chair of the NFSA, Ms Gabrielle Trainor AO,  of the NFSA Board’s Funding and Stake-holder
        said Mr Müller’s appointment heralded an ex-  Development  Committee.  Her  expertise  has
        citing  new  stage  for  the  NFSA.  “We  are  in  been invaluable in driving the NFSA’s efforts to
        transition from an archive whose visitation and  increase  own-source  funding  and  strengthen
        use has been limited by our physical footprint  stake-holder relationships with industry.
        and outreach effort, to a collection which also  Mr Peter Rose is a digital media consultant who
        can  be  accessed  for  research,  education  and  has held a number of senior management posi-
        enjoyment by exponentially more people, from  tions in the film and television industry, most
        their devices, online.
                                            recently as the Director of Foxtel Movies. Mr
        “This requires re-invention of our physical pres-  Rose is also the Chair of the Board’s Finance
        ence and public engagement and a substantial  Committee. Mr Rose’s film and television ex-
        ongoing investment in digitisation. Jan’s experi-  pertise  has  been  critical  in  strengthening  the
                                            NFSA’s innovative work in film and television.
        14  REEL DEALS    December  2017
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