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OUND-ON-FILM  pictures  in  the  home
        Sbecome  an  easy  possibility  for  any  home  Playback  is  similarly  accomplished,  the  weights
        movie  maker  who  owns  a  microphone,  a  home  being raised. The delicately balanced pickup
        movie  projector,  a  radio  receiver  and  a  new  exerts  enough  pressure  to  cause  the  needle  to
        recording  and  play-back  device  called  the  follow  the  groove,  but  not  enough  to  cause
                                            appreciable  wear  on  the  film.  In  fact,  the
        Essentially,  this  device  consists  of  a  magnetic  manufacturer  claims  that,  instead  of  making  it
        pickup,  mounted  in  a  special  fitting  which  is  weaker,  the  slight  corrugation  it  makes  actually
        provided with a film track. It is used in conjunction  strengthens the film!  Models are available for use
        with  a  standard  home  movie  projector,  which  with 8, 16 and 35 mm film, and the standard which
        draws the film under the needle of the pickup at the  supports the head is adjustable, so that the device
        same time the picture (23 frames, or sprocket holes  may  be  employed  with  any  make  or  model  of
        away) is projected upon the screen.  projector. Synchronization can, of course, be had
                                            as the recording is actually on the film.
        For recording, a microphone is connected to the
        audio  amplifier  input  of  the  radio  receiver,  the  In addition, the Filmograph can be employed for
        output being connected to the pickup head instead  straight recording on film, in which case blank or
        of to the loudspeaker. Thus the audio frequencies,  spoiled film maybe used. It can be set to record 28
        generated in the microphone and amplified in the  parallel grooves on a strip of 16 mm film, and the
        set's audio stages, operate the pickup.  economy of this is obvious when one realizes that
                                            a total of 4 hours and 40 minutes of sound may be
        A  sapphire-point  needle,  placed  in  the  pickup,  recorded on and reproduced from a 800-foot length
        impresses a channel 2/1,000-inch deep in the non-  of film! The recording on a 300 foot roll of film is
        emulsion  side  of  the  film.  The  groove  is  but  the equivalent of that possible on 51 discs, each 12
        1/1000-inch  wide,  and  the  audio  frequency
        impulses  cause  the  corresponding  pattern  to  be  inches in diameter. (See upper film, Fig. C.)
        indented upon the sides of the groove. Nothing is  Portability  is  another  point  featured  in  the  new
        cut  from  the  film  -  no  celluloid  curls  from  the  recording  device,  which  weighs  but  6  pounds
        "cutting" head during recording. The groove is so  complete. It can be furnished with pickup units of
        small  as  to  be  unnoticeable  when  the  film  is  any standard impedance, to match the output of the
        projected upon the screen. Pivoted weights afford  set with which it is to be used, and is said to give
        the  necessary  pressure  for  recording.  (See  lower  fidelity  of  reproduction  of  audible  frequencies
        film, Fig. C.)                      from 50 to 5,000 cycles.
                                                     REEL DEALS  June 2021   13
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