Page 8 - RD_2021-06a
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This  is  how  the  movement  works:
        Attached to the camera aperture plate,
        just above the picture aperture, are two
        fixed  registration  or  pilot  pins.  These
        pins are machined to be a perfect fit in
        the film sprocket holes. The film passes
        vertically  between  two  supporting
        plates  called  "leaves"  similar  to  a
        normal  camera  gate  except  that  the
        leaves are actuated by a cam, and move
        the film forward horizontally to engage
        the  fixed  registration  pins  while  the
        film  is  exposed.  The  leaves  then
        withdraw the film clear of the pins, at
        the same time engaging a vertical claw  The camera fully dressed, ready for a starring role in Phillip
        that  pulls  the  film  down  exactly  one  Noyes great film on our golden newsreel  years "Newsfront".
                                      Newsco was the fictitious name for Cinesound  in the story.
        frame ready for the film to again engage
        the  fixed  pins  and  be  exposed.  The  only  head  in  the  back  shed!  Speak  to  one  of  our
        limitation of this movement is that it cannot  technical  people!"  Bang!..  he  hung  up.  (The
        operate at film speeds much beyond 26 frames  Receptionist  was  at  lunch  and  my  call  had
        per  second,  and  at  24  frames  per  second  it  interrupted a top level conference between the
        sounded like a very noisy chaff cutter-but in  Studio Head and a TV series Producer from
        the  days  of  Silent  Cinema  that  was  not  a  Hollywood- bad timing). Four STD calls later
        problem.                            I was taking to Keith Kanaar - he services the
                                            Studio's  cinema  projectors.  Yes,  he  would
        Now  back  to  the  saga  of  my  2709.  You  have  a  look  in  the  shed  on  his  next  service
        remember my casting bread upon the waters-  visit-if it was okay with the boss. (I didn't like
        well, at last the phone started ringing. Phillip  my  chances).  About  a  month  later  a  large
        Grace  remembered  seeing  a  Bell  &  Howell  heavy box arrived in the post with a note from
        geared tripod head c. 1912 up on a shelf at the  Keith,  the  Studio  Chief  had  given  me  the
        back of the old engineering shed behind what  tripod head, with his compliments. Oh yes, it
        used to be Fontana Studios in Sydney-that was  was exactly where Phillip Grace said it would
        about four years ago "I reckon it's still there ...  be. Thanks fellas, that made my day!
        it's worth a try".
                                            Ron West rang. He had a 12" Dallmayer Lens
        "Oh!  For  God's  sake-  No!  I  don't  know  from a 2709- needed some work on the lens
        anything about an old Bell & Howell tripod  mount-and there was part of a matte box too.
                                                He would swap both for a 16 mm camera
                                                body. Done!

                                                Michael  and  Gillian  Franklin,  film-
                                                makers  and  exhibitors  from  Canberra
                                                popped in to see our Movie Museum, and
                                                Michael  mentioned  he  had  a  couple  of
                                                1000  ft  Bell  &  Howell  magazines  in  a
                                                Movietone case that had been used in the
                                                film "Newsfront" if I was interested? Oh
                                                yes, and there's a big Akeley gyro head
                                                tripod  "that  would  carry  a  tank".  or  a

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