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Kev Franzi’s Motion Picture Scrapbook
The people and cameras that The magnificent
captured our 20 Century Bell & Howell 2709
It was Philip Grace on the phone-STD from My excitement grew as I explored the
Melbourne" Have you seen the latest beautiful internal workings of the machine.
Photographic Trader? There's a 35 mm Bell & Then the first important discovery-wow! This
Howell 2709 for sale at an Antique Shop in camera had a variable density optical sound
Brisbane. Thought you might be interested". recording system built into it. Yes, the whole
"In Brisbane .... camera had been
Crikey. How much factory modified for
do they want for single system sound
it?" "$3,500." Well, recording and by its
that knocked the design I would date it
wind out of my about 1929 or 1930-
sails a bit-but it was made to record that
a very rare beast latest innovation,
and I desperately Talking Pictures. This
wanted, no, needed, discovery made the
a 2709 for my camera even more
Cinema Heritage significant. Yes, I had
Collection. to have it! My later
research suggests that
A day later, I very few 2709's were
watched in awe as factory converted for
Keith Gordon lifted single system sound
this magnificent recording, making this
camera from an old camera even more
cardboard box onto unique.
the counter. It was
about as basic as The introduction of
you could get, Above: The Magnificent 2709 sound-"Talking
consisting of a rather complete and ready for "Action!" Pictures"-in the late 1920's
tarnished camera body The tripod is a beautiful 1916 model created massive problems for
without a crank handle or Akeley with a six speed Gyro Head the film Industry and camera
motor. It had one four inch and one of the first ball and socket noise was top of the list. The
lens, a Taylor Hobson levelling systems. The combination studio microphones easily
Cooke roughly fitted into was known as "The Gut Buster" picked up the camera clatter in
the wrong lens mount, not because on occasions the the background so Bell &
focusable, plus a couple of cameraman had to pick it up and run Howell were urgently
other lens mounts-minus to the next set up. modifying their cameras in an
lenses. A 400 foot film effort to reduce the noise. This
magazine completed the outfit, all of it in need one shows the results of their efforts, with
of much TLC. This dear old warhorse was a bit heavy felt lining in the camera body and other
battle scarred and had definitely seen better experimental modifications. The problem was
days, but as Keith said "The 'Patina' adds to its finally solved by putting the camera. and the
character" . Well, perhaps it does. operator into a soundproof booth. Then came
4 REEL DEALS June 2021