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the rather cumbersome
        Camera      Blimp
        housing-the  bane  of
        cameramen and joy of
        the soundman.

        Sadly  Keith  knew
        nothing   of   the
        camera's  history  -  I
        gathered   he   had
        bought it at an auction.
        We negotiated a figure
        slightly  less  than  the
        advertised price and I
        took my trophy home
        wondering  where  on
        earth  I  could  get  the
        bits  and  pieces  to  Cameraman Al Burne filming the Australian feature film “Silks and Saddles” in
        restore  this  rare  beast  1920 with the first 2709 to come to Australia.      Image courtesy Mr. George
        to  its  former  working
        glory. Very few 2709s had made it to Australia  magazines,  tripods-anything).  Thus  having
        because of the price tag. From 1920 onwards  cast  my  bread  upon  the  waters  I  waited
        we can trace only five or six 2709s being used  impatiently for my friends to get back to me.
        in  the  Australian  Film  Industry  but  each  of  In  the  meantime  I  did  some  research  on  the
        these cameras played a vital role in our cinema  beast.  The  Bell  &  Howell  Company's
        history making Feature Films, Newsreels and  "standard"  Camera  Design  No.  2709  was
        Documentaries.                      created by their brilliant Principal, Mr. Albert
                                            Howell, in Chicago USA. The year was 1912
        Well, the next task was to advise my friends in  and, unlike that other engineering masterpiece
        the Film Industry that I had a 2709 and was  of the year, the 2709 did not sink on its maiden
        looking  for  anything  associated  with  the  voyage,  in  fact  this  "Titanic"  of  the  cinema
        camera   (lenses,   motors,   viewfinders,  industry would eclipse all its competitors for
                                                             many years to come. A
                                                             landmark  camera,  it
                                                             would    be    in
                                                             continuous production
                                                             for the next 48 years-
                                                             without  alteration  to
                                                             the basic 1912 design!
                                                             Improved  accessories

                                                             Left:  The 2709 film
                                                             compartment showing
                                                             the Unit-1 fixed pin
                                                             shuttle and the optical
                                                             sound recording assem-
                                                             bly to the right of the

                                                       REEL DEALS  June 2021  5
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