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and  external  fittings  kept         The 2709 showing the four lens turret with
        the  camera  abreast  of              matte box. The turret lock/release button is be-
        technical  progress  in  the          low the magazine.
        industry  for  the  next  half                      To  use  the  system,  the
        century.                                            taking lens is swung on
                                                            the  turret  180  degrees
        Together   with   their                             from the film aperture to
        innovative designs, the Bell                        the  viewing  aperture.  A
        &  Howell  Company  led                             dovetail  block  on  the
        the  field  with  their  fine                       bottom  of  the  camera
        precision   engineering                             fits  into  a  dovetail
        skills, a combination that                          channel on the pan and
        was   to   make   the                               tilt  tripod  head.  This
        Company a world leader in                           slot  enables  the  camera
        the  production  of  Motion                    to  be  moved  sideway  exactly
        Picture equipment.                             the same distance the lens has
                                                     moved  from  film  optical  axis  to
        The  word  "standard"  on                 the viewing optical axis-thus putting
        their range of Motion Picture          the viewing screen exactly where the film
        equipment   was   very                 will be when the camera is racked back to
        appropriate because Bell &              the taking position. After lining up and
        Howell did indeed set the               focusing the procedure is then reversed,
        standard for the Industry throughout the world  taking care not to forget to swing the lens back
        (e.g.  the  Bell  &  Howell  standard  negative  to its original position, before taking the shot.
        sprocket hole, still in use today).  All a bit slow for modern production methods
                                            but the extreme accuracy of the procedure was
        So what were the features that put Design No.  always a feature of the camera.
        2709 so far ahead of its competitors in 1912.
                                            •  The  single  (twin  compartment)  400  ft.
        • It was the first all metal camera body, cast in  magazine was another first, setting a standard
        high  quality  aluminium  alloy  with  all  drive  The inside works, with the 'Unit-1' type
        shafts ball race mounted.
                                            Intermittent shuttle (left) and feed sprocket with
                                            the sound recording optical assembly lower
        • The magnificent four lens turret was another  right. The inverted motor is attached above the
        first, enabling the cameraman to swing from a  optical assembly.
        "normal"  50  mm  lens  to  a  wide
        angle,  a  long  focus  or  telephoto
        lens  by  simply  pulling  a  small
        knob  and  rotating  the  turret  to
        position the desired lens over the
        picture  aperture  (effective  zoom
        lenses were still 40 years away).

        •  A  unique  camera  rack-over
        system  enabled  parallax  free
        viewing and critical focusing on a
        magnified superfine ground glass
        screen.  Provision  was  also  made
        for the accurate placing of mattes
        for use in special-effects shots.

        6     REEL DEALS   June 2021
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