Page 34 - RD_2021-06a
P. 34





        The rear of the machine:       A - B&H speed adjusters,  B - B&H motor speed regulator board,
        C - muffin fan for lamp cooling, D - B&H motor, E - RCA audio output connector
        The mounting of the motor proved a little  lathe  and  fitted  to  the  motor.  These
        tricky. To get the drive shaft to line up  motors require a 24 volt power supply, so
        with the belt driven shutter, some of the  that was the next task.
        motor had to protrude out the back of the
        PAX, but as I said, I wanted a workable  An  old  slide  projector  was  found  for  a
        machine not a display item.         few dollars in a Charity Shop. It had a 24
                                            volt 250 watt lamp and would be ideal for
        So, with hacksaw in hand and a degree of  this job. The transformer mounted nicely
        trepidation,  a  section  of  the  rear  of  the  in the empty bottom compartment of the
        machine was cut away. The B&H motor  projector.  A  bridge  rectifier  and
        pulley was made for a flat belt, and the  smoothing capacitors mounted on a small
        shutter drive of the PAX required a round  circuit board gave me the 24 volts DC to
        belt, so a new pulley was turned up on the  run the motor.

        34     REEL DEALS   June 2021
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