Page 35 - RD_2021-06a
P. 35
The underside of the projector
A pair of reel arms were fabricated from focused well, giving sharp, edge to edge,
the junk box. They ended up being made image.
from early Bell and Howell arms and 9.5
mm spindles from an unknown wreck. So, now it operated as a silent projector,
the picture was nice and bright and very
Next the panel and switches were steady.
mounted where the original controls
would have been. After some fiddling and
adjusting the speed regulators, it worked The amplifier:
well In my home theatre, all sound is played
through a Dolby CP65 processor and
The lamp: VTS amplifiers (left, centre, right and
With 24 volt AC available from the surround), so I didn’t require a complete
transformer, a 24 volt 250 watt type ELC amplifier, just a pre-amplifier to give me
mirror lamp was decided on. Fortunately the required level for my set up.
it fitted in the confined space well, using
the lamp holder from the wrecked slide Originally, the PAX had a small mirror to
projector. A muffin fan, scavenged from reflect the scanned sound track up to the
somewhere was fitted to the rear of the nearby PE cell. As this was missing, I
lamphouse to provide cooling for the fitted a solar cell in place of the mirror,
lamp. directly picking up the scanned sound
track, and feeding it into a home
A 38 mm Angenieux lens was found in constructed pre-amplifier.
my “junk box”, it fitted the holder and
REEL DEALS June 2021 35