Page 36 - RD_2021-06a
P. 36

A  small  transformer
        and      components                         Film chute for smoothing out the film
                                                    movement as it leaves the gate
        needed  to  obtain  12
        volts  DC  for  the  pre-
        amp  were  mounted
        and wired and an RCA                                            A
        connector for the cable
        to plug into the theatre
        sound system fitted to
        the   rear   of   the                                              B
        machine.      After
        aligning  the  exciter
        lens, film chute and the                    C
        solar cell position, the
        sound  quality  was  as                             D
        good as expected.                 E

        The end result:
        I now have a 9.5 mm    The PAX sound head as modified
        sound projector which  A- the solar cell (inside a metal tube to prevent stray light pick-up),
        I am very happy with.  B- Sound drum, C - Exciter lens, D - position of (missing) PE cell,
        It runs very quietly with  E - locking screw for exciter lens.
        the B&H motor driving
        the mechanism. The image is sharp and
        steady and the brightness is good.
        Next step:                          Wow  (speed  variations)  of  the  recorded
        Just maybe I might fit a xenon lamp!  sound tracks is not uncommon, as is poor
                                            sound reproduction, due mainly to poorly
                                            recorded sound tracks which are too grey
        Finally:                            and reproduce with back ground hiss and
        Over the years I have written a number of  noise.
        articles on 9.5 mm. I have been a critic of
        Pathé  and  some  their  poor  quality  To prove my point, I managed to obtain
        equipment,  and  especially  their  lack  of  two  9.5  mm  films  which  had  been  cut
        quality control in the production of their  down  and  reperforated  from  16  mm.
        films.                              Larry Pearce in the UK used to specialise
                                            in producing these for die-hard 9.5ers.
        Now having a projector which is capable
        of  similar  results  to  many  16  mm  In  comparison  to  Pathé’s  efforts,  the
        projectors  really  shows  up  the  poor  sound and image on those films projected
        quality of many of the Pathé 9.5 mm films.  as 9.5 mm is equal to that of 16 mm.

        36     REEL DEALS   June 2021
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