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be  broken.  A  warning  system  goes  into
        operation  immediately  this  happens  but  it  is
        inevitable  that  the  film  in  question  and  a
        number  of  other  films  belonging  to
        other people will be spoilt in the time it takes
        to find and repair the break.

        When the detection device does find a fault in
        the film, the operator has sufficient time to cut
        the  film,  overlap  the  two  ends  and  insert
        a staple. This is the normal method of joining
        the  reels  together, Kodachrome  processing
        being  a  continuous  process.  The  staff  will
        ensure  the  owner,  receives  a  note  in  the
        can  with  the  film,  pointing  out  any  breaks  attract any dust that happened to be around and
        or other peculiarities concerning the film.  this  would  have  a  very  effect  the  resulting
                                            images  on  the  film.  The  importance  of this
        If the owner has read the instructions enclosed  point  for  the user,  is  to  make  absolutely
        with  the  raw  film,  but  has  chosen  to  ignore  certain that no conditions exist  where dust can
        them  and,  after  loading  the  camera,  has  come into contact with the film. Special points
        proceeded to expose every inch of film on the  to  note  here  is  to  ensure  that  the  camera  is
        reel, Kodak can’t be blamed when important or  dust-free and that if a changing bag is used, the
        irreplaceable shots are lost. The reason is fairly  interior of this is also dust-free.
        obvious. If the leader and trailer of each film
        were processed, it would involve the wasteful  After  the  film  has  completed  it’s  journey
        exhaustion of expensive chemicals and would  through  the  processing  baths,  which  are
        slow down overall processing time.  continuously  replenished  to  preserve  the
                                            quality of the ingredients, the image is formed
        Great attention is paid by the Company to the  and fixed, it then passes into a drying cabinet
        creation  of  dust  free  conditions,  not  only  in  where  it  passes  up  and  down  over  a  large
        the  manufacturing  of  films,  but  also  in  the  number  of  rubber  rollers  before  coming
        processing.  Workers  in  this  section  have  to  out into the open.
        wear  special  clothing  and  are  de-dusted
        before they enter the processing room. Further  It  then  passes  downward  over  the  top  of  a
        care is taken to ensure that no chance exists of  large  roller.  The  bottom  of  this  roller
        a  static  charge  being  built  up  in  the  film  as  is  immersed  in  a  paraffin  wax  lubricating
        it passes through any part of the processing. If  solution.  As  the  roller  turns,  the  wax  passes
        the film did develop a static charge, it would  onto  the  edges  only  of  the  film,  thereby
                                            covering the sprocketed edges with wax. This
                                            part  of  the  process  is  intended  to  ensure
                                            smooth projection of new film. The technical
                                            staff  point  out  that  after  processing,  the
                                            gelatine content of the dyes themselves starts a
                                            hardening process.

                                            After about six weeks, the film is reasonably
                                            hard; at the end of six months, it is quite hard
                                            and at the end of twelve months, it is as hard as
                                            it is every going to get. This hardening process
                                            has nothing to do with the evaporation of the

                                                 REEL DEALS  December 2021   19
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