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moisture content and, technically
speaking, this is in fact the cross
coupling taking place between the long
chain molecules of the gelatine.
Evaporation of moisture from the film is a
separate matter from the above and if the film
is absolutely dry, it then it has a tendency to be
brittle. If the film is cleaned with carbon tetra
chloride or any of the film cleaners, then the
wax lubricant is removed and its advantage in
easing the path of the film through the gate is
removed. It seems therefore, that if cleaning
becomes necessary, it would be a good idea to
wait at least six weeks before cleaning the
film, because after this time the film has
become reasonably hard and there should
be little 'green film' trouble in passing through Here the white mailing label is glued to the
the projector gate. box, covering all but the space where the
owner’s name and address has been entered.
Eight and 16mm films are processed together All film cartons are micro-filmed as
(being the same width in raw state) therefore a company record that the film has passed
both halves of an 8mm film go through the through processing and then placed in
processing baths together and 16mm film does mailbags for dispatch.
not enjoy any processing advantage over 8mm.
The actual processing takes approximately 45 Kodak always emphasised “Don't Forget to
minutes. Print Your Name and Address Clearly on the
Carton”. Despite that warning, around
After the films are waxed, they are wound off six films a day were received with no name
onto a large take-up reel. Several films are and address on them. Last year (1963), over
needed to fill the take-up reel and they 750 such films were received and it is to
remain stapled together at this point. The take- Kodak's credit that at the end of the year over
up reels of 8mm film are removed to 680 of them had been identified and claimed
the slitting department where each film's after long delays, by their red-faced owners.
identification number is checked against its
appropriate yellow box before slitting Kodak warnings:
takes place. The film is - To help maintain correct colour balance
slit into two 8mm width never store your films near heat
sections and the - Don't leave your loaded camera on the seat
two joined together of a closed car in hot weather
before re-reeling onto - The glove box of the car is the worst place
the now familiar grey for film at any time.
plastic reel which is
placed in its carton for
dispatch to the labeling This article was published in the New Zealand Film
and mailing section. Buffs’ Magazine News & Views and has been
republished with permission.
16mm (left) and double It is believed to have originally come from a Kodak
8mm (pre-slitting to publication. It has been slightly edited for clarity.
8mm) width.
20 REEL DEALS December 2021