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"Just like a Bought One!"
How to make your Lumiere Cinematographe
in One Easy Lesson
by Kev Franzi
“I reckon I could make one of those": (The
Idea Was Born). "It looks pretty simple":
(Famous Last Words). A clear illustration of
an 1895 Lumiere Cinematographe had
stimulated the thought. Just a square box
housing a plate with two gears and a couple of
cams in the mechanism. Not even a sprocket to
worry about. Simple!
For the past nine years I had used film and
photos to illustrate the story of the Lumiere
Camera in my Movie Museum presentations at
Kenilworth (Qld). It would be great to actually
demonstrate the "Cinematographe" working as
a camera, printer and projector, even if it was
only a working replica.
The Lumiere was the camera that started
Australia's Film Production Industry back in
1896. Three years later a Lumiere shot many
of Queensland's first films. Then another pair
shot the Federation films in 1901 ;
a significant machine in our cinema history.
The original "Cinematographe" used by Fred Wills
in 1899. Now on permanent display in the
Could I make a replica? Why not? With over
Queensland Museum.
50 years experience in the Australian Film
Industry I have worked with a huge array of original Lumiere on permanent display. To my
"home made" equipment or knowledge this is now the only Lurniere left in
extensively modified gear, including cameras, Australia. Could I get access to it? Brian
projectors, processing machines, printers, Crozier, Senior Curator of the Social History
editing equipment and sound recorders. All Collection, thought it may be possible- subject
worked well and some worked even better to some conditions. To my great surprise, a
than the 'you beaut' Hollywood gear few days later I watched a team of technicians
(which we couldn't afford anyway!). But that's carefully remove a huge sheet of plate glass
another story. from the display. The historic Cinematographe
was gently detached and quickly taken upstairs
Right, let's get started. First I need to Brian's inner sanctum.
measurements to make up drawings for all the
various parts. The Queensland Museum had an
4 REEL DEALS December 2021