Page 8 - RD_2021-12
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The very simplicity of the camera not having
a feed sprocket was a major limitation and
source of problems. If the load of the feed roll
was larger than 50 feet the weight of the
film jerking on the claws would damage the
sprocket holes. And if the tension on the
unusual clutch in the take up magazine was not
exactly right the film would either
concertina up and jam, or would jerk and strain
on the film causing the picture jitter and the
eventual jamming that now plagued my
camera. With just days to our filming date we
frantically tried everything – and nothing
I went to Brisbane with the prospect of
shooting less than half a roll (25 feet) then
reloading to shoot the second half of the roll.
In Brisbane, Sel Colquhoun considered the
problem: “What you need is three or four little
‘0’ rings made of hard felt. I've got just the
stuff.” By 9.00 pm the problem was solved.
We started shooting at 7.00 am the next day.
Since then the camera and operator have had a
good deal of publicity and the replica
The replica Lumiere looking
"Just Like a Bought One". "Cinematographe" is featuring in historical
displays, presentations and seminars. It
In 1899 Mr. Fred Wills, Artist/Photographer will earn its keep and help raise the profile of
for the Queensland Department of Agriculture the Lumiere Brothers and our brilliant
and Stock, convinced his boss of the value of Australian Pioneer Cinematographers.
the new cinematograph film in promoting
Queensland. He and Harold Mobsby shot 30 Finally, my heartfelt thanks to all my friends
rolls of film on the new "Lumiere" making who contributed their many skills and
perhaps the first Government expertise in making this project a success, in
promotional films in the world. His excellent particular to Rob Hopkins for the
work survives today and I decided to do a fine engineering.
partial re-enactment of his pioneering work
by filming the same locations a hundred years P.S. And you can handle my Replica without
later using my replica Lumiere. using white cotton gloves!
This project expanded dramatically with the Note:
involvement of the Queensland Museum and 1. The films shot by Fred Wills now represent the
the Department of Primary Industries. Having largest collection of Australian Colonial Films in
committed myself and the replica to doing existence.
the project I discovered that the camera had a
serious problem with picture jitter and Images:
jamming from about half way through the Original Lumiere: courtesy of Queensland Museum.
50 ft. roll . All my tests to date had been with
short rolls of film – a cost saving measure – All others by Kev Franzi.
and the problem had not been apparent.
8 REEL DEALS December 2021