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••   §yhtit  o~ Q1lnistman ''                                                                   "TOM  BROWN~s SCHOOLDAYS"

                                   December  Competition
                    Surely no more appropriate subject   selves,  portray  "The  Spirit  of  Christ-
                  could  be  chosen  for  the  December   mas "  .
                  competition  than  "The  Spirit  of   Of  course,  if  the  warmer  side  is
                  Christmas".  It  is   one  providing   preferred,  the  Motocamera  can  be
                  great scope for  cinematographic art,   taken  indoors  to  record  the  express-
                  for  not only  does a  film  of this  nature   ions  of sheer delight when,  on  Christ-
                  provide  a  competition  entry  but  it   mas  morning,  the  children  hastily  and
                  is  at  once  a  record  of  a  happy  fest-  excitedly  explore  their  stockings  and
                  ive  occasion,  to  be  related  and  com-  reveal  their  presents  to  seemingly
                  pared  with  the  coming  and  going  of   surprised  parents  (as  if  they  didn't
                  each  future  Christmas.           know).
                                                       The  Ministry  of  whatever-it-is  per-
                    It is  hoped that,  by announcing this
                  latest  subject,  a  false  impression  is   mitting,  it  is  certain  that  tho  family
                  not  created  as  to  the  type  of  film   turkey,  stuffed  and  roasted,  or  t he
                  required;  for  instance,  a  film  of  the   forlorn,  just  to  the  ration,  joint,  will
                                                     not  object  to  playing  a  star  rolo  in
                  life  story  of  a  "bottle  of  Christmas
                 spirit"  could  not  be  accepted.   It   your  film  together  with  a  great  sup-
                                                     porting  cast  of  vegs,  Christmas  pud-
                  would  be  too  "short"  anyway.
                                                     ding,  mince  pies,  jellies,  nuts,  drinks,
                   At  the  time  of  publication  the   etc.,  all  of  these  assisted  by  a  host
                  Meteorological  Office  is  unable  to   of  extras  in  the  form  of  seasonal
                  provide  a  clue  as  to  whether  a  white   decorations,  crackers,  paper  hats,
                  Christmas  can  be  expected,  but   trees  and  your  own  happy  spirit  will
                  should  it  be,  luckily  or  unluckily,  that   give  you  your  lasting  record  and
                  one  fine,  or  otherwise,  morning  will   competition   entry  entitled   "The
                 find  the ground  carpeted  with  frozen   Spirit of Christmas".
                 feathery flakes,  the scope of this sub-  These  are  the  verf  obvious  hints,
                  ject  can  be  greatly  increased.   but many  readers wil  have  their  own
                    With  such  a  background  the child-  ~pecial  ideas  on  the  subject,  which
                  ren  can  be filmed  building  and  dress-  will  be  looked  forward  to  with  inter-
                  ing  their  snowman,  or  the  snowball   est.  A  prize  of  £5  Os.  Od.  will  be
                 fights  with  their  extra  icy  moments,   awarded  to  the  sender  of  the  film
                  the  thrills  and  spills  of  a  toboggan   selected  by  the  panel  of  judges  and,
                  ride;  also,  there  are  the  never-to-be   also,  two  consolation  prizes  for  the
                  f~rgotten carol  singers  who,  in  them-  runners up.
                                                                                             IPAlriH lt§t[tOIPIE


                                                                                                           DEUEMBEB  1950
                  P ublished  by  Pathescope  Ltd.,  ;\lorth  Circular  Road,  N .W .2.  an <I  Printed  by  Alhert  Clark  &  Co.,  Ltd.
                                            Cricklewood,  N.\V..l!.
                                                                                              'h"  HEI.IEW for  the  AJIA'I'Ellll  CINEIIA'.I'0611APBEII
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