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P. 2
Ube JENtor woul\) ltlte to con"e-g to rea\)ers of tbe "ll~n t hrl3cope SEPTEMBER "Mother"
.montbl-g" au a;oo\) Wltsbes for a 1bapp-g Ubrtstmm.1.
The subject "Mother", chosen for
EDITORIAL the September Competition proved
very popular and all the entrants are
" - and we shall be delighted to have you with us for the whole of the to be congratulated on a generally
Christmas holiday. Do come as early as you can, for we are eagerly looking high and pleasing standard.
forward to having a wonderful time together". The winning film submitted by Mr.
The above was the opening of the Editorial for December 1933, just the R. Ellery, of T otteridge, Herts., to
same, no doubt, as invitations were penned hundreds of years ago, and will whom the prize of £5 Os. Od. has
again be written hundreds of years hence. The Postman may bring a letter been awarded, presented the subject
worded like that or perhaps he will carry a similar message to a friend or in an unusual manner. Mother was
relation, and how thrilling it is to receive such an invitation. The mention of depicted handing out the work in-
their passage through the post surely brings to mind the joy, fare and enter- stead of, in the normal manner, doing
tainment that ought to be in every home this Christmas. it herself.
In olden days it was customary for the seasonal entertainments to be The un-retouched photograph
provided by the strolling players, conjurers and jesters, but now, as then, the shown here gives some indication as
fun will be mostly within the family circle itself. For instance, the sad tale of to the manner in which this film was
" The Stranger Without " and many a really creepy ghost story will be told tackled. The photography was most mitted by Mr. F. R. Jones of Nor-
around the fire with its leaping warming flames casting eerie shadows on the pleasing and it is interesting to note wich, of a dignified portrayal of
walls of the room, wherein all other lights have been extinguished to provide that all the shots were made indoors which a professional photographer
just the atmosphere for the strange tale being told. What does it matter if with the aid of artificial lighting and might be proud.
spines are chilled if other fun is to follow. The grand-parents and parents will Pathescope Super V.F. film. We look forward to receiving your
quietly doze until the clamour of the children reminds the company there are In the majority of cases the films entry for these popular and most in-
games to be played, to say nothing of the further meals and the pleasure of the lacked action, which is surprising teresting competitions. There is. still
wonderful illuminated Christmas tree to be enjoyed. Young Willy can over since the activities of Mother are so time for you to submit your film for
indulge as usual without the slightest fear of reprimand, whilst many will receive very wide. However, mention must the 'Pets' competition, which closes
just the desired gift from that package off the top-most branch of the festive be made of the excellent entry sub- on the 21st of December.
tree. Christmas is assuredly the one occasion when all can forget the trials and
tribulations of the times and step out to do the things that mean so much as
and when desired. 9.5mm. ~'ILM LIBRARI' SERVJCRS
There is something familiar about " as and when desired " for the words
have been written repeatedly in this journal and they apply to the use of your nrt• off~red l1y the following dealers
Home Cinema. The wonderful .Radio and Television will assist, for the fleeting
moment, the activities and fun, but they cannot possibly compare with the joy MIDDLESEX. Dixons Stu·dios, NO POSTAL SERVICE SILENT
of the intimate family films to be shown again and again as and when desired. 185, Station Road, Edgware. SILENT
Owners of Pathescope Cameras and Projectors will not spare the blushes MIDDLESEX. Jardine Studios, Ltd., Trinity Street, Enfield. SIL.ENT
MIDDLESEX. Jardine Studios, Ltd.,
but will bring out their older film~ and delight in the shrieks of laughter from 252, Hertford Road, Enfield Highway.
the audience as well as the groans of those who are the subject of the merriment. LONDON. Jardine Studios, Ltd., SILENT
5, The Broadway, Southgate, N.14.
There will be films of past holidays or of special occasions, or maybe the film Butcher Curnow & Co., Ltd., NO POSTAL SERVICE SILENT
will bring back an absent dear one right into the family circle once again. LONDON.
Tranquil Vale, Blackheath, S.E.3.
Fortunate indeed are they who are able so easily to capture the Spirit of SALISBURY. T. T. Johnson (Opticians) Ltd., SILJENT
Christmas. 17 & 19 Catherine Street.
They can also be the recipients of appropriate and inexpensive gifts- ESSEX. Jardine Studios, Ltd., SIIJENT
a film to supplement the programme, a V.F. camera film for this month's com- 129, Station Road, Chingford. SILENT
ESSEX. Jardine Studios, Ltd.,
petition, a lens, a film mender or a rewinder are among the first-class accessories 2a, Kings Parade, Barkingside.
available for this purpose and the Pathescope dealers in every town will be glad YORKSHIRE. Messrs. Coverdale's Sons, Ltd. SII..JENT
to assist in the choice. Willing service, not only since 1933, but for many years 19 and 20 Parliament Street, York.
previous, has brought a very large circle of friends and to all, whether old or NOTE:-
No Postal service is offered by Messrs. P.each Photo & Cine
• new, the Christmas wishes are re·newed. Equipments, Ltd., 15, Plumstead Road, Beresford Square,
Woolwic.h, S.E.IS.
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