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.,   FILM  RELEASES                                       SILENT                          ~~PROOt~ OF  THE  PUDDING~~
                                                                                                                         bu  William  Pearson
                                                                                                    " You  mean  we  can  have  pictures   entirety  to  my  beloved  wife  playing
                 SB30566                                                     3  REELS             of  ourselves  that  move  . • .  just  like   with  pussy  in  the  garden.  I  realised
                            NEVV  ADVENTURES  OF  TARZAN                                          the films?"                         after that in  the  heat of the  moment
                                                                                                                                      my  weather  obs\ r'lations  had  been
                                                                                                    That  was  the  incredulous  question
                                                                                                  put  by  my  wife  when  I  first  com-  sadly  lacking,  and  it  was  with  some
                                               featuring                                          menced  expounding  i he  joys  of  cine-  apprehensio:-~ I awaited  the  return  of
                                                                                                  matography  to  her,  some  two  sum-  my  labours.
                                        BRUCE  BENNETT
                                                                                                  mers  ago.                            I need  not have worried,  for  thanks
                                                                                                    Though  I  eventually  convinced  her   (I  am  sure}  to  the  wizardry  of  the
                   Tarzan  makes  the  acquaintance  of                                           this  could  be  so,  and  at  a  very   Pathescope  Laboratories  my  film  re-
                  Major  Martling,  a  renowned  archae-                                          moderate  expenditure  on  the  9.5   turned  in  delightful  perfection.  Des-
                  ologist  and  leader  of  an  expedition                                        mm.  gauge,  it was  to become a  stock   pite  entreaties,  I  refused  to  exhibit
                 in  search of the lost Goddess, a  price-                                        query  from  my  friends  and  relations,   this  one  film  until  I  had  some  half
                 less  relic,  and  makes the trek  through                                       and  no  matter  how  eloquent and des-  dozen  more  of the  family  circle  com-
                 the  jungle  to  the  Lost  City.   This,                                        criptive  I  became,  I  always  realised   plete.  Then,  having  cunningly  in-
                 however,  is  not  without  competition,                                         with  sinking  heart,  that  my  command   serted  varying  portions  of  "Chimp
                 as  another  party,  led  by  a  renegade                                        of  the  Mother  tongue  was  incapable   Charming"  (Pathescope's,  not  my
                  named  Raglan,  is  out  to  steal  the                                         . of  producing  the  tiniest  modicum  of   work),  I  sent  out  the  invitations .
                 prize  for  themselves.  Tarzan's  party                                         enthusiasm  in  the  unromantic  hearts   There  is  no  way  of  describing  the
                 is  captured  by the guards of the  Lost                                         of  my  elders.  The  only  one  to  show   wonderful  reception  my  little  show
                 City  and  taken  to  the  temple  to  be                                        some  tolerant  interest  to  my  ravings   received.   After  the  first  initial
                 tortured.  As  Tarzan  is  about  to  die                                        was  dear  old  Father-in-law,  and  even   gasps  of  recognition,  my  living  room
                  Raglan  is  seen  to  be  making  off  with                                     he,  I  fear,  thought  that  if  and  when   rocked  with  uproarious  laughter  and
                 the  Lost  Goddess,  the  guards  are                                            I purchased a  cine-camera, the results   delight.  Upon  reaching  it's  finale  I
                 alarmed  and  immediately  give  chase;                                          would  be  in  the  nature  of a  glorified   was  implored  to  put it  on  again,  and
                 in  the  confusion  that  follows  Tarzan                                        Magic  Lantern  show  with  huge  en-  again,  and again.
                 and  his  friends  escape,  later to  over-                                      1argements of those we  loved  appear-  Since  that  memorable  evening,  I
                 take  Raglan  and  gain  the  priceless                                          ing  on  a  white  screen  in  various  still   have  added  much  to  my  stock,  and
                 Goddess  for  themselves.                                                        poses.                              shall  continue  doing  so  as  long  as  I
                                                                                                    Well,  there's  a  well  battered  say-  can aim  my  camera.
                                                                                                  ing  that  goes :  "The  proof  of  the   I am  only  an  enthusiastic  amateur,
                 30569                        WESTERN                          60  ft.
                                                                                                  pudding  is  in  the  eating",  and  the   and  to  anybody who  wants  the finest
                              THWARTED  THIEVES                                                   great day  came when  I arrived  home   satisfaction  his  money  can  buy,  the
                                                                                                  complete  with  Pathescope  moto-   great  joy  derived  from  this  creative
                   Suitable for  the  children,  here  is  a   Mounties  close  on  their  heels  and,  in   camera,  one  film,  and  directions  for   hobby  cannot  be  bettered.
                 Western  showing  the  hold-up  by   accordance  with  their  motto  "we  al-    the  use  of.                         Buy  a  Pathescope  proje.ctor  and
                 bandits  of  a  small  jeweller's  store.   ways  get our  man",  one  of the  band-  Like  a  kid  with  a  new  toy,  I fired   c~mera  and  you'll  never  re~ret . it.
                 The  jeweller  resists  the  attack  until   its  is  brought  to  justice  with  the   off  that  thirty  foot  within  half  an   Ask  my  family  ... they'll tell  you  the
                 the  very  timely  arrival  of the  Mount-  assistance  of  a  lone  cowboy  who  is   hour  of  purchasing  it,  devoting  it's   same.
                 ed  Police.  This  leads  to  the  hurried   attracted  by  the  noise  of  the  shoot-
                 withdrawal  of  the  bandits  with  the   ing.                                                  FUTURE  FILU  RELEASES

                 30570                        WESTERN                          60  ft.                'I'HOMAS  MITCHELL
                                                                                                      FRRDDIE  BARTHOLOME\\'      in  "SWISS  FAMlLY  llOBINSON"
                             NORTH  WEST  JUSTICE
                                                                                                      RALPH  JllUllGA!\           in  "'LITTLE  MEN"
                   One  day  whilst  on  patrol  our   cabin  too  late  and  find  their  friend     DICKIE  MOORE
                 Mountie  friends  sight their comrade's   has  been  killed.   The  chase  that       BELA  LUGOSI
                                                                                                      EAS T  SIDE  KIDS            in  ""SPOOKS  llUN  WILD"
                 cabin  being  attacked  by  a  group  of   follows  eventually  leads  to  the  capt-
   •             bandits,  so  they  immediately  ride  to   ure  of  two  of  the  gunmen  and  the
                 give  assistance,  but  they  reach  the   killing  of a  third  during  a  gun  duel.
                                                                                                                                                             p-;,ge  s-e;;n
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