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SOUND                                                     FILM                 RELEASES                                              SOUND

                   T9672                                                       6  REELS                                                                       2  REELS
                          TOM  BROWN'S  SCHOOLDAYS                                                T9669           SOMETHING  SIMP~E

                        Sill f'F.DRIC  HAUDWICiiE                  JIUMY  LYDON                                                  with
                                       FIU:DDIE  BARTHOLOMEW                                                              CHARLI<JY  CHASR

                                                                                                    Try  as  he  might,  Charley  cannot  keep  himself  out  of trouble,  even  when  he
                                                                                                  merely  takes  time  off  to  repeat,  very  quietly,  a  few  of  his  childhood  nursery
                                                                                                  rhymes.  Unfortunately,  he  chooses  the  wrong  time  and  definitely  the  wrong
                                                                                                  place  to  calm  his  shattered  nerves,  and  as  a  consequence  finds  himself  once
                                                                                                  again  up  against  the  law .... His  attempts  to  prove  his  innocence  in  all  that
                                                                                                  transpires only  lands  him  in  deeper water.  However,  Love  provides the way out
                                                                                                  as you  will  see.

                                                                                                  T9673                                                        I  REEL
                                                                                                                        SKY  PIRATES
                                                                                                                    A  GetJrge  Pal  l•uppetoon

                                                                                                    The  sleepy  little  aerodrome  is  brought  to  life  at  the  sound  of  reveille  and
                                                                                                  it is  with  the  greatest effort that the  planes  manage to take the air.  The  flight
                                                                                                  is  attacked  by  bandits  and  all  but  one  are  destroyed.  The  survivor  manages
                                                                                                  to  get  to  the  palace,  where  he  unfolds  his  tale,  and  very  soon  the  royal  planes
                                                                                                  take  to  the  skies  and  proceed  to  destroy  the  bandits  in  their  hideout.  The
                     Private  Tutor  Arnold,  invited  to   bullies,  is  roasted  by  a  fire  until  he   realistic antics of these puppet characters are delightful to watch.
                   become   Headmaster   of   Rugby    faints.   later,  Tom  directs  opera-
                   School,  is  persuaded  by  his  wife  to   tions  from  his  sick  bed,  which  ends
                   accept  the  post.  On  arrival  he  tells   with  a  fight  with  Flashman.   Dr.   T9671                                                  I  REEL
                   the  pupils  that  he  is  going  to  give   Arnold  hears about the roasting, Tom       KILLERS  OF  THE  INSECT  VVORLD
                   them  self-governing  opportunities,   is  whipped  for  fighting  and  Flashman
                   and  warns  them  that  lying  and  des-  is  expelled.  Tom  is  blamed  for  the
                   tructive  behaviour  will  not  be  toler-  expulsion  and,  when  his  friends  turn          A  First  Class  Docutnentary
                   ated.  A  number  of  expulsions  take   against  him,  decides  to  run  away.
                   place  and  the  doctor's severe  discip-  He  writes  to  his  father,  but  is  per-
                   line  is  condemned  by  parents  and   suaded to change his  mind.  He then
                   masters.   However,  he  is  encour-  borrows  Sally's  cart and  tries  to stop   A  .pictorial  study  of  the  battle  for
                   aged  by  his  wife  and  Squire  Brown,   the  mail  coach  and retrieve his  letter.   survival  amongst  the  denizens  of  the
                   who  sends  his  son  Tom  to  Rugby.   Tom  returns  to  school  to  find  East   insect  world.  It  dramatically  des-
                     Tom  and  East  become  friends  and   facing  expulsion  for theft of the cart.   cribes  how  the  life  of  one  species  is
                   frequent  a  sho.p  run  by  Sally  and  her   A  public  assembly is  held  for  the  ex-  dependent  upon  the  capture  and
                   niece,  who  becomes  fond  of  Tom.   pulsion  but Tom,  tormented  by  guilt,   killing  of  another  type  and  how  that
                   At  the  school  the  younger  boys  are   takes  the  blame,  he  also  talces  a  lick-  hunter  is  itself  hunted  down.   The
                   forced  to  act  as  "fag" for  the  older   ing,  but  is  not  expelled  for  having   little  known  activities  of these  insects
                   ones,  led  by  the  bully,  Flashman.   proved  himself  a  man.  Tom  and  East   are  brought  to  light  in  this  most
   •               Inter-dormitory  and  free-for-all  fights   .avoid  each  other  but  eventually   wonderful  and  exciting  "survival  of
                   take  place  and  Tom,  caught  by  the   "shake  on  it"  on  graduation.     the fittest" story.

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