Page 2 - pm_1951_06
P. 2
Issued by ;:'''·' '
PAT H E S C 0 P E· L I M llE D
"From the four corners of the earth they come". Whilst the Immortal
Bard could not have envisaged the great Festival of Britain Exhibition when he
penned these few words, they are nevertheless most applicable and appropriate
to this Festive occasion. Already many thousands of visitors from all parts of
the world have arrived to witness this further episode in the history of our dear
land. The wealth of splendour, assembly and endeavour in all parts of the
British Isles, to say nothing of the Exhibition itself, has provided, and will continue
to provide, owners of motocameras with wonderful opportunities for filming and
adding a record of an outstanding event to their personal movie library. The
opening celebrations of the Festival were but a foretaste of the many brilliant
functions and events which will be held throughout this country until September
of this year. This again prompts, and in fact /·ustifies, a reiteration of the state-
ment made in the previous issue of this journa that history in the making can be
filmed with your own cine camera.
With regard to cine-cameras, specific fashions do not trouble nor hinder
the amateur cinematographer. Both user and friends are restricted only by the
capabilities of the apparatus used. With the present range of Pathescope
motocameras-the 'H', the Webo 'A' and the latest introduction, the unique
Webo 'M' Special-not forgetting the ever-popular and thoroughly dependable
pre-war models, the 'B' and 'De-Luxe'-the capabilities of the amateur are
almost boundless. With the modern method of processing and the films now
available, the weather can be discounted as a deterrent to good photography.
Now as a further aid to all cinematographers the announcement on page 4
of this issue will prove of considerable interest. In addition to the amber and
grey light filters now available, the addition of a further selection, Yellow-Green,
Orange, Red, Light Green and Ultra-Violet considerably increases the scope of
home cinematography. There will be many opportunities to use these filters to
obtain special effects to render the most common-place artistically and which
in fact is the aim of the Home Cinematographer. Once again "good filming"
and as a further reminder £5 Os. Od. is offered every month for the best Festival
of Britain film, whether 30ft. or more, submitted.
When forwarding films for processing be sure to return each charger
in its original carton and' wrapping. In this way only, can the special treatment
afforded each type of film, i.e. Kodachrome, S.S. Pan or VF be carried out.
P.S. Do not forget to enclose your name and address as well.
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