Page 5 - pm_1951_06
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must not be allowed to become spotted or covered with dust. It can be
cleaned by means of a damp rag and dried with a soft clo\}1,, very clean and
not fluffy.
The following range of filters is now available, please order through your
Pathescope Dealer.
THREADED MOUNTS. For use with the following lenses :-H fl.9,
Pathe Webo A fl.9, Telephoto lenses. Refs. C.900, 901, 902, 903, 904.
CLIP ON MOUNTS. For use with f2.5 lenses (H and Pathe Webo A)
Motocameras 'B' and De Luxe (excluding f2.5 Hermagis lens. Refs. C.905, 906,
PRICES. Refs. C.900/909, 21 s. 6d. each, including P. Tax. Refs. C.298,
C.306, 17s lid each, including P. Tax.
Becomes Use.
Very light To give sharper contrasts than with the yellow filters, to accentuate
the image even more. They counteract haze at a greater distance
Very light
and we advise their use for distance, especially when a telephoto
Slightly darker lens is used.
White To darken the blue of the sky, to intensify the image, to penetrate
distant haze. We advise their use with a telephoto lens for long
Very light
distance shots.
Slightly lighter
Very light These filt,ers heighten contrasts even more than the yel!ow or orange
Filters. They give the scene filmed during daylight a night effect.
They darken blue sky and water and penetrate atmospheric and
Very dark aerial haze.
Almost black
Slightly darker To lighten the green and yellow and darken the red and blue. They
soften the scene by toning down the contrasts.
Very dark
Very light
This filter is used to counteract ultra-violet rays which are present
at high altitudes. Using the correct lens stop true cloud contrast
will be rendered without darkening the blue sky.
Light tone Similar in characteristics to C.906 but of less density.
Very light
Slightly lighter
This is a neutral density filter, it does not change colour values but is
used for reduction of lens aperture when conditions require the use
of a smaner stop than fl4.
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