Page 3 - pm_1951_06
P. 3


                               d  "
                     " C  ome  y  an  "D rama            "
         It  is obvious that despite the times
        nd  conditions  prevailing  we  retain
       our s  nso  of  humour  and  at the same
       tim  our  appreciation  of  the  drama.
       Thi  happy  state  is  evidenced  by  the
       numb  r  of  films  submitted  for  the
         bru  ry  and  March  competitions-
       Com  dy  and  Drama  -  and  which
       covorod  an extreme range  of thought
        nd  enterprise.  Pride of place in  the
       Comedy section was achieved  by  Mr.
       Proctor  of  Hildenborough  for  his  film
       "T  levision  Troubles".  His  record  of   taken  from  the  film.   Special  men-
       th  fra ntic  efforts  to  cure  a  break-  tion  must  also  be  made  of the effort
       down which in the end  resulted  in  the   submitted  by  Mr.  Jbbetson,  Tetten-
        omplote  disembowelment  of the  set   hall,  Wolverhampton,  on  how  not  to
       w  r  most  amusing  and  at  the  same-  edit  and  join  films.
       tim  cleverly  executed.  The  prize  of   In  the  drama  section,  Mr.  J.  H.
        5  Os.  Od.  awarded  will  surely  revive   Wright,  Edmonton,   London,  N.9,
       th  exhausted  star  shown  in  the  still   adopted  the  Jekyll-Hyde  theme  and
                                           though  a  trifle  laboured,  his  trans-
                                           formation  and  murder  scenes  were
                                           drama  indeed to merit the £5 Os.  Od;
                                           awarded.   The  still  shows  the  evil
                                           potion  being  mixed  and  in  this  case
                                           it is  certain the  stars were glad it was
                                           only a  dream.
                                             The  entries  of  Mr.  G.  B.  Smith,
                                           Weybridge and  Mr. B. Tomkins,  New-
                                           port  Pagnell  are  commended  and
                                           consolation  awards  have  been  sent.

                    PATHE  WEBO  SPECIAL
       Av  il  bl  for 9.5mm. and  16mm. films ·
           ACHIEVEMENT     IN  THE
            F I E LD  OF  HOME
             C l NEMATOGRAPHY.
       9  ~)-   With  fl .9  (20  mm.)  lens  and
                f3.5  Telephoto  (75  mm.)  lens
        ., ltl
       lnoludl nq    -     £215
       Pu rc h~ s  Tox
       16-      With  fl.9  (25  mm.)  lens  and
                f3.5  Telephoto  (75  mm.)  lens
       Pur  h  111  T&x  -£229.6.8
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