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        FESTIVAl,  0~--,  DRI'I'AIN  •""  ANIM£L  S'I'UDJES
          The  final   competition,  centred
        around  the  Festival  of  Britain  cele-
        brations  produced  numerous  entries.
        Pride  of  place  in  this  contest  was
        taken  by  Mr.  Blake  of  Manchester,
        whilst  another  entry  of  note  was  sub-
        mitted by Mr.  Heather of Brighton, to
        whom a  consolation prize  of£ I  Is. Od.
        has  been  awarded.
          The  "Animal  Studies"  competition
        did  not produce the volume of entries
        expected,  although  those  received,
        showed  that  a  great deal of time  and
        patience  had  been  exercised  in  the   production  of  these  films.  The  first
                                           illustration  is  taken  from  the  winning
                                           entry  sent  in  by  Mr.  Snow  of  Devon,
                                           to  whom  the  sum  of  £5  Os.  Od.  has
                                           been  awarded.   Another  consola-
                                           tion  prize  of £I  Is.  Od.  was  given,  on
                                           the  decision  of  the  judges,  to  Mr.
                                           Edge  of  Bolton  for  his  entry.  Whilst
                                           not  up  to first  class  standard, this film
                                           displayed  several  outstanding  shots.
                                           The  second  illustration  of  the  bird
                                           drinking  from  the  milk  bottle  gives
                                           some  indication  of  the  great  pains
                                           taken  to  secure  good  results.
                      ENLARGING  SERVI£E
          Why  not  let  us  produce  "snaps" from  your  9.5  mm. films  by  enlarging single
       frames  of  your  favourite  shots.  Our  enlarging  service  is  now  in  operation  and
       provided that the 9.5 mm.  pictures are of good  photographic quality, satisfactory
       prints 3t" x 2-l-"  can be  obtained.
          Our charges for this service are as follows  :
                            2/ - for  making  the  negative.
                             9d  each  print  3f' x 2f'.
          In  addition,  prints,  quarter  plate  (3t''  x 4f')  and  half  plate  (4-l-"  x  6f') can
       be supplied at a cost of ,I / bd and 2/ 6d respectively.
          When  sending  for  enlargements,  do  not  cut from  your  films  the  frames  con-
       cerned-merely  mark  them  by  tying  a  .piece  of  cotton  through  the  perforation
       either side of the frame desired.
                           fJLUB         ~OTES

          ROCHDALE  FESTIVAL  FILM  GROUP.  We  have  been  advised  that  this
       society  has  just completed  the  production  of  a  full  length  9.5  mm.  documentary
       film  entitled  "Rochdale  1951 ".  This  film  will  be  screened  sometime  in  January
       1952.  The  Secretary,  Mr.  J.  W.  Clegg,  I  Milk  Street,  Rochdale,  extends· on
       b~half of the  Society  a  hearty  wel.come  to all  9.5  mm.  enthusiasts.
                                                                  Pag e  Three
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