Page 4 - pm_1951_12
P. 4
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'1'1'1'0 GOBBI
Richard Wilder (Michael Denison), mountain songs Tito Gobbi used to
a composer, persuades Bruce Mcleod sing. Anne realises he is unhappy
(Sebastian Shaw) a Scottish poet, to and, at her suggestion, he returns to
let him set his ballads to music, and Italy to finish his opera.
when his song "Wayfarer" is a success lito Gobbi urges Richard to bring
a solid friendship is established. his manuscript to Venice for product-
Richard and his wife Anne (Dulcie ion at the Venice Music Festival. The 1~
Gray) find their happiness shattered latter finds happiness in his reunion
now returned to the village, asks of t
by the outbreak of war. Richard with Alida, but when Gino, who has
joins the R.A.F. and, during opera-
tions, his plane crashes in the Dolo- his intentions towards the girl, Rich-
mites. Badly injured he is rescued ard cannot give a satisfactory reply
by Alida (Valentina Cortese) a peas- and the two fight. Alida and
ant girl, who takes him to the part- Richard do, however, go to Venice
isans in the mountains. In an alpine together.
barn, Dr. Sandra (F. TerschackJ a lead- In London Anne reads to Bruce
ing partisan, tends Richard's wounds McLeod a letter from Richard asking
and here he meets Tito Gobbi the for a divorce. As a result Bruce goes
fa mous baritone, also a partisan. to Venice to persuade Alida that she
Enchanted by Alida, Richard tells her is wasting her time with Richard.
of his wife in England. She tel:s him Later Anne, upon Richard's invitation,
of Gino Ferrucci (Antonio Centa) flies to Italy for the opening of the
fighting with the Allies, whom she is Opera. Whilst flying over the Alps
going to marry after the war. She she asks the pilot to pass over the
tells him also of the leqend of the Glass Mountain, about which she has
Glass Mountain, which fires his im- heard so much from Richard.
agination. In the theatre the curtain rises with
The war over, Richard returns to Richard conducting his opera. Dur-
London and begins writing an opera ing the final scene a message is
inspired by the legend and ihe brought to Bruce that Anne's plane
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