Page 5 - pm_1952_01
P. 5

Competition Results-~~ Your Holid11y Fil1n~~

         The  general entry for  this competi-  don  Holiday".   Whilst  less  than
       tion  in  addition  to  being  numerically   200ft.  in  length  this  film  employed
       higher,  were also  of a  higher standard
       than  those  submitted  for  previous
       contests  organised  by  this  Company.
       Progress has  been maintained,  a  point
       which  the panel of judges commented
       upon  most favourably,  but the overall
       standard  was,  however,  low.  It  was
       evident  that in  addition to taking  ad-
       ditional  care  in  obtaining  good  ex-
       posures,  a  great deal  of thought  had
       been  given  to  the  final  composition
       of  the  film.  However,  it  may  be  of
       some  value  at  this  point  to  indicate   Snowdon  Holiday
       briefly  the  main  reasons  why  the
       majority  of  films  were  rejected  from   many  desirable  features.   Not  only
       the final  judqing.  Several  films  were   did  this  film  portray a  typical  holiday
       completely  devoid  of  the  basic  idea   scene,  it also ventured upon the docu-
       for  competition entry.   Others com-  mentary  and  sparkle  was  added  by
                                           the  inclusion  of  several  whimsical
                                           sequences.  The result when screened
                                           proved  conclusively  that  Mr.  Burgess
                                           had  studied  and applied mood  before
                                           undertaking  any  filming.
                                             Second  and  third  prizes  of  £3  and
                                           £2  were  awarded  to  Mr.  Marston,
                                           New  Malden  and Mr.  Twitchen,  Cow-
                                           ley  respectively,  for  their  entries
                                           "London  Scene"  and  "Festival  Fair".
                                           Both  films  were  well  presented  and
                                           well  photographed, but failed  slightly
                                           from  editing faults.  Two  other entries
                  London  Scene
                                           were  commented  upon  favourably  by
       menced  with  original  and  pleasing   the  judges  and  consolation  awards
       themes,  but  were  not  followed  up  in   were  given.  The  next competition, is
       the  remainder  of  the  film.  A  lot  of   of  course,  the  Open  Award  for  1952
       films  lost  points  due  to  the  lack  of   and  details  are  given  on  page  b.
       titles.  In  several  instances  entries
       would  have  qualified  for  commenda-
       tion  had  a  suitable  linking  title  be-
       tween  sequences  been  employed.
       One final  point which  shou~d be raised
       is  the  question  of  editing.   Several
       entries were  marred  by the  use  of too
       many  long  sequences-slicker cutting'.
       would  have  added  polish  to the final
         So  much  for the rejections,  but now
       a few words about the winning entries.
       Pride  of  place  was  taken  by  Mr.  Bur-
       gess of Worthing for his entry "Snow-          Festival  Fair
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